Saturday, July 27, 2024


Liberals against Narendra Modi

What INDIA can learn from 2020 US Presidential Election

While Trump is referred to as a racist, Modi is referred to as a fascist from a small portion of the Indian population calling themselves as leftists/liberals.

यूट्यूब और कॉमेडी के मंच से लिब्रान्डुओं और वामपंथियों का हिन्दू विरोध का नया धंधा

भारत एक ऐसा धर्मनिरपेक्ष राष्ट्र जहाँ हिन्दुओं के विषय तो कुछ भी कहा जा सकता है किन्तु मुसलमानों और ईसाईयों के विषय में कुछ कहना तो दूर सोचना भी अपराध है। संविधान द्वारा प्रदान की गई पूरी फ्रीडम ऑफ एक्सप्रेशन मात्र हिन्दू धर्म और सनातन में पूज्य देवी-देवताओं पर अभद्र टिप्पणियां करने में उपयोग में लाई जाती है।

Truth through a reverse image search – Satire

Satirical way to show an information propaganda which works very powerfully, even today.

Rana Ayyub: A habitual liar

This journalist is notjust a liar but a sociopathic lair!

The plight of non neta Modi carpers

The main problem anti modi brigade has with Modi is, Modi has redefined everything that was practiced and followed since 70 years.

‘Secular’ groups are unable to propagate their lies

According to secular journalists all intellectual talent is culminated in the minds of micro minority of secular elites you call them Khan market gang or Lutyens media.

From Modi vs All that we witnessed, it’s now Congress vs All, for the Congress to Shatter

The congress party's traditional 'Neech', or 'Maut Ka Saudagar' remark was not even that close to what Rahul set the new low.

Fascism is here in India

The election campaign in Bengal, violence in pockets of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Odhisha, and some others, gives us a first-hand example of what Fascism actually is.

A response to TIME magazine’s “Can the world’s democracy endure another five years of a Modi Govt”

Here is point by point rebuttal why Taseer’s article fails to present any conclusive facts why Modi’s rule has been any danger to democracy or minorities.

Into Shobhaa De’s D-word series defining our leaders and here she is misleading the readers

Sorry Shobhaa De, but all these instances show that the "duffer" has created many such hoax by people's prejudice, not Modi.

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