Friday, May 3, 2024


Kashmiri Pandit Exodus

रोशनी एक्ट ने कश्मीर के जिहादियों की पोल खोली

2001 में तत्कालीन फारुख अब्दुल्ला की नेशनल कोन्फ्रेंस सरकार रोशनी एक्ट के नाम से एक बिल लेकर आई। उस बिल के अनुसार जम्मू में शरणार्थियों को उस जमीन पर कब्जा दिया जाएगा, जिस जमीन पर वो रह रहे थे।

KP Community status needs a reset

Kashmiri Hindu community continues to suffer and be homeless. Every govt have sold only fake promises to them without doing any ground work.

Sheen Banyov Naar: Snow turns fire

Till we only try to treat the symptoms and not the cause, we will find no lasting solution and are doomed to repeat the Kashmiri genocide and forced exoduses around the country where the demographics change.

Girija Tickoo murder: Kashmir’s forgotten tragedy

her dead body was found roadside in an extremely horrible condition, the post-mortem reported that she was brutally gang-raped, sodomized, horribly tortured and cut into two halves using a mechanical saw while she was still alive.

Kashmir, a heaven on earth or a nightmare?

The leftist-liberal gang couldn't see the atrocities faced by Hindus there everyday, living under the threat of Islamic terror groups and Kashmir liberation groups.

दिल्ली दंगो के नाम एक कविता “सब याद रखा जाएगा”

नही भूले है हम कश्मीर हमारा; नही भूलेंगे दिल्ली दुबारा.. सबकुछ लोगो को बताया जाएगा; सब याद रखा जाएगा।

Sentiments: Only Kashmir sentiments matter and not rest of India’s?

Even if we agree that Kashmiri sentiments are not being listened to, we must acknowledge that even the sentiments of Kashmiri Pandits were not given much importance.

दुःख हमें भी होता है; लेकिन हम नकली विक्टिम कार्ड नहीं खेलते

जब देश के अलग अलग शहरों में पत्थरबाजी और आगजनी की खबरे सुनता हूं तो लगता है मानो देश में और छोटे छोटे कश्मीर बन रहे हो।

What’s Hindu right angry at?

Why such a God fearing, Karma believer, subdued, no actually timid society such as Hindus, doesn’t feel that guilty when riots are taking place?

Shikara 2: The fillum returns (but not Kashmiri Pandits)

Fillum has no religion, it has only box-office collection: A satirical take!

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