Saturday, July 27, 2024
7 Articles by


Tinkero ergo sum.

Breaking News: “Indian Institutes of Victimology” to prepare our youth for the 21st Century

As per the new liberal, social justice enabled 'No Education Policy,' a new series of IIVs is going to be set up in all State Capitals of India, to prepare our youth in the avant-garde studies and reap its emergent economic possibilities by way of job-orientedness and 100% placement.

‘Pen-is mightier than sword’- Kuf’rs & the growth of Islam

The hard fact of PMtS is the soft power of incremental, not readily noticeable demographic changes, that grow by way of compound interest over time. Especially with respect to the spread of the Islamic ideology.

Chacha Nehru: Disco very off India

Yes, sirs and ma'ams. Disco was also a grand tradition that can perhaps, be attributed to my Chacha Nehru; that is, if the praise...

Shikara 2: The fillum returns (but not Kashmiri Pandits)

Fillum has no religion, it has only box-office collection: A satirical take!

TEN contributions of Mughals to Bharat, I’d bet you wouldn’t know anything about

Some more Great Mughal Achievements & Glory - A Primer for Durbar journalists.

Two-bit historians and their displays of stellar ‘scholarship’

How can any self-respecting person peddle dastardly lies, and then strut about like a virile peacock and posture - and to top it, 'virtue signal?'

An appeal on behalf of Jaish-e-Mohammed

May Bharat, the country of Kufrs, be soon converted to an Islamic State. Inshah Allah.

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