Saturday, July 27, 2024
1 Articles by


My Profile: Kashmiri speaking Brahmin. DOB:1949...Qualified Electrical Engineer....Left Srinagar ,J&K in 1982..... Retired after working for J&K ( 9Years) & MNC's ( 31Years) at various places in India. After hanging my boots in 2011, I am now engaged in reading and writing about History, J&K, Kashmiri Pandit Community current topics etc. My focus is to pick up all perspectives and narratives to get a balanced view of the issues in hand. Settled in Baroda .Engaged with the community through Kashmir Sabha Baroda. Editing a Magazine -Kongposh ,which I bring out every year.

KP Community status needs a reset

Kashmiri Hindu community continues to suffer and be homeless. Every govt have sold only fake promises to them without doing any ground work.

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