India does not want to be powerful nation or rule the world, but as Prime Minister Modi said if messed with, India can show CCP its rightful place and help unburden the Chinese people and the world from the menace of the CCP.
A country decimated by the murderous Mao designed man made famine and actively stuck in the Korean peninsula ruckus - a country with hardly any air force to speak of- delivered a bloody nose to India thanks to Nehru and Krishna Menon.
चीन की सेना विशाल जरूर है, मगर उसकी मौजूदा सेना में किसी सैनिक या अफसर ने कभी कोई जंग नहीं लड़ी और फिर पहाड़ी की लड़ाई तो और भी कठिन आयाम है, जिसमें भारतीय सेना को महारत हासिल है।
When would the mainstream media of the country realize that dealing with 'war' or a 'potentially war like situation' is not playing a 'day and night cricket match'?