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Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech on independence day- A thought exercise
What do we expect in Prime Minister Modi's this year's speech amidst the gloomy times.
Vande Bharatam- A new compact for ancient Bharat
Now is the time to work towards ringing in a new compact - that would ensure the Security of India and strengthen the Steel Frame in the service of achieving the civilizational goal of India.
Dragon and the elephant – An Indian’s fervent dream
A nation with an operating air force not pressing it into action when threatened by Mao's homicidal hordes can only be answered by the ghosts of traitors who made that call along with their apologists who are trying to hold the crumbling facade of lies and deceit.
A Rashtriya Panchasheel for India
A country decimated by the murderous Mao designed man made famine and actively stuck in the Korean peninsula ruckus - a country with hardly any air force to speak of- delivered a bloody nose to India thanks to Nehru and Krishna Menon.