Saturday, July 27, 2024


Indian Paid Media

Freedom of press vis a vis national interest: “UPSC JIHAD” show

With rights comes the duty so it is duty of the press not to deliver one-sided information, disinformation, misinformation, non information because all results to one thing that is uninformed citizenry that frustrates the very purpose of democracy.

In fight between secularists and nationalists, journalism loses its purpose

It is needless to remind, in democratic system of governance, the institution of media or the profession of journalism plays one of the most...

मीडिया की निगेटिविटी से बचने के लिए तीन मई तक आंख-कान ढंकना भी ज़रूरी है

अखबार-पत्रिकाएं भले ही अभी बंद हों लेकिन उसमें शोर मचानेवाले चुप नहीं हैं. वे सोशल मीडिया में जाकर चिल्ला रहे हैं कि लॉकडाउन की अवधि बढने से देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर बहुत बुरा असर पड रहा है, गरीबों-किसानों-दिहाडी मजदूरों के सिर पर आसमान टूट पडा है.

People who were suggesting what to do with Mob Lynchers are silent on what to do with Tablighi Jamat!

TV debates are fading day after day after reporters have received threats from supporters of Tablighi. No Media house cares about whether all Tabligis are captured and isolated.

Blame game: A difficult choice

What the innocent public is not understanding is that the Police protest vide the Media has created a dangerous precedent and that is- "CHOICE BETWEEN JUDICIARY OR POLICE AS A CULPRIT" for the people to comment & judge.

The Wire’s Monobina Gupta is pondering over the idea of a new Bangladesh, this time within India

Monobina Gupta, Managing Editor of The Wire, has exclusively written a piece assessing the possibility of linguistic 'Bangla nationalism' the key driver leading to the creation of Bangladesh, as a counter to what she calls 'Hindi-Hindu nationalism'.

A deliberate attempt to humiliate and shame Hindus?

Aajtak's shoddy attempt to demean the government and to defame Hindus.

Moronic inferno ft. Pankaj Mishra

Sullen faced leftist liberals especially the NDTV anchors covering the elections must know by now that Indian public no longer trusts their view or prescriptions.

The Arun Shourie column – The real reason why Narendra Modi hates Karan Thapar

Modi is known to hold grudges for intellectuals. And Karan Thapar is the top intellectual.

‘Dukhi Aatmayein’ floating around on Indian news television

Among the many things that have transpired in India since the ascension of Narendra Modi to PM’s chair, one that has greatly affected news...

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