Friday, October 25, 2024



Then they came for me

Fascism has many names, but only one goal. Be it Hitler, or be it radical Islam. That goal is extermination of those it considers ‘the other’.

भारत में प्रमाणपत्रवाद (सर्टीफिकेशनलिज़्म) का सफर

भारत में आप को भक्त, संघी, चड्डी, अन सेक्युलर के प्रमाणपत्र राह चलते मिल जाएँगे. सिर्फ़ आपको आपके स्पष्ट विचार रखने हैं।

Why the conservative governments are on the rise all over the world

People have seen through the hypocrisy, hollowness, and elitism of this privileged lot which calls themselves as 'liberals' but are anything but that in true sense of the word.

Open letter to Ms Mahua Moitra

Ma'am, your facts and opinion were too biased to realise that you needed to use the same powerful words with the same angry passion to your TMC leader. The moment you do that, I will certainly give you a standing ovation.

Battle is won, the war is still remaining – the new ‘hero’ of the ‘left liberals’

The left liberal ecosystem is back in business with a bang now after having found its new 'voice' of 'reason and truth' in the form of Mahua Moitra.

Fascism is here in India

The election campaign in Bengal, violence in pockets of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Odhisha, and some others, gives us a first-hand example of what Fascism actually is.

How did communism and fascism evolve from Abrahamic monotheism?

These ruinous ideologies seek to conquer the world and impose a uniform culture

Che Guevera – why youth shouldn’t idolise him

The t-shirt icon doesn't deserve that respect or status. Here are some facts about him.

The criminal silence of ‘liberals’ when RSS workers are being killed

The Indian liberal doesn't care about some crimes and some lives lost.

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