Saturday, July 27, 2024


failure of reservation

सामाजिक भेदभाव: कारण और निवारण

भारत में व्याप्त सामाजिक असामानता केवल एक वर्ग विशेष के साथ जिसे कि दलित कहा जाता है के साथ ही व्यापक रूप से प्रभावी है परंतु आर्थिक असमानता को केवल दलितों में ही व्याप्त नहीं माना जा सकता।

A new deal for SC/ST community

Mere criticism of reservation without providing for an alternative scheme for the uplifment of reserved communities owing to historically disadvantaged position of those is unproductive.

Secular India

In a so-called flawless system, there are some flaws in this system, so let's talk about those little problems which easily can be removed if and IF government wishes.

Reservations, Politics and Propaganda

If the recently announced reservation were just a the political propaganda, they could have added into 9th schedule which the court would have overruled as Congress did in 2014 with Jats reservation.

BJP led NDA’S last leg bonanza in the Parliament-EBC Quota

The sudden surprising decision of the government on economically backward classes reservation paves the way for more churning in the political and judicial circles.

Will the supreme court be able to rescue India from its politicians?

Will the guardian angel of Indian democracy, the honorable supreme court, save India and it’s people from the politicians and kill this quota appeasement politics in its bud?

Gujarat election: Caste engineering or national destruction?

Does rising of Casteist leaders ensure political empowerment to backward castes or National Destruction?

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