Friday, October 25, 2024



The defining power

The death of Ajay Pandita, Lt Umar Fayaz and many more are essential chapters of history, don't let Thapars write it for you.

The Relevance of the Indian right wing

Here is why the Left Wing must gracefully abandon its elitism and accept the growth and establishment of a Right Wing ecosystem today.

The Rajdhani Express system is the product of a colonized mind

All the Rajdhani Express trains run to/from Delhi (hence the name).

When Nehru allowed the Mountbattens to tread on the Indian masses

The incident shows the contempt Nehru had for the general Indian masses.

Ways of countering the left liberal propaganda

Their propaganda needs to be countered

Why can’t we humiliate Dr. Manmohan Singh?

No party enjoys criticism of its leaders. But Congress has a slightly different approach. When criticized, they don’t react with anger, but with disbelief.

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