Thursday, October 24, 2024



Sabotage politics also boomerangs, don’t make it new normal

Sabotage politics has been found new normal in Indian Politics now-a-days. And the high stubbornness of Jaichand kind in executing sabotage politics is clearly visible.

Decoding ‘godi media’

Notwithstanding these facts, if Yashwant Sinha does not understand who is ‘godi media’ and who is lying thousand times despite his faith that ‘truth has a bad habit of prevailing over falsehood ultimately’, there is none in this living world to teach the IAS-turn-politician octogenarian.

परिवार पहचान पत्र योजना, CAA, NRC और NPR से कहीं ज्यादा अचूक और कारगर

ये जो परिवार पहचान पत्र योजना (PPP) अन्य सभी योजनाओं से अत्यधिक कारगर और विश्वस्नीय, जिसकी आप कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकते। ये एक ऐसी योजना है जिससे सरकार कि कई मुश्किलें चुटकियों में दूर हो जाएँगी और ये योजना NRC और NPR से कहीं ज्यादा कारगर साबित होने वाली है।

Civil Society isn’t enemy while not free from subversion, suborn, division & manipulation

It is hard to say whether Indian Civil Society is subverted, suborned, divided and manipulated or not, but there are a large number of influential black sheep in Indian civil society having direct link with inimical elements abroad who have been relentlessly working against national interest by way of engaging themselves in creating political instability and disharmony among communities, castes, regions, languages, etc.

The call for Hindu unity across the globe

The Hindus should unite and some knowledgeable Hindus should share their vision of Hindu Unity and how every Hindu should protect their culture and religion. We should not forget that we belong from a community which had brave warriors like Maharana Pratap and Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

Hindus and Sikhs are being brought to India is not secular: When was any Muslim denied to come back to India?

The lobby says that India is not secular under the BJP. If it is so, then like other Islamic nations in our country's preamble, we can also state that we are a 'Hindu Nation'.

Review of two research papers on CAA: Busting their lies and propaganda about CAA, Muslims & BJP

The authors try to find an anti-Muslim angle in everything and try to project them as the innocent peace loving victims.

Implement CAA: Reliable option for security of persecuted minorities in neighborhood countries

This historic and fruitful decision by the government of India gives a ray of hope to those persecuted minorities of neighborhood countries i.e. Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan who lost their beloved in this Islamic radicalization.

The forgotten Hindu genocide of 1950 and the roots of the CAA

The CAA since its inception has generated a lot of controversy and has been the greatest bone of contention between the Government and its detractors, namely the so called "secular" left and the Islamic fraternity.

‘What Bengal thinks today’: Studying the West Bengal assembly election 2021

This Assembly Election in West Bengal is not same as before for many reasons, some of which are obvious, some are not so enough; here is why the election is so unusual this time.

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