Saturday, July 27, 2024


British Invasion in India

The paradox of modernity: How its impact on Indian culture surpasses colonization

It is crucial to understand that the colonizers, who believed their race to be superior and who aimed to set themselves apart from the colonized, were the ones who introduced the concept of modernity.

The case for truth and reconciliation commission of India

I would like to propose the idea of forming a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission of India” be set up by the Government of India with only one goal – to tell the truth as is.

The Indian jungle book

How to stop this Tiger the political opposition thought. They learnt from the nighnouring Pakistan and adopted their policy ‘Bleed India with thousand cuts’ so bleed Modi with thousand cuts.

भारत का सेक्युलरिज्म- इस्लामिक सेक्युलरिज्म

जीसस के जन्म से भी पूर्व महान राष्ट्रप्रेमी विद्वान पंडित चाणक्य द्वारा कही हुई यह बात "अखंड भारत" आज स्वयं में ही अकल्पनीय  शब्दावली बन चुकी है.

Understanding Hindu-Muslim historical context

British kept on blaming Hindus for poor conditions of Muslims in India. Winston Churchill who ignored how English butchered Irish people started blaming Brahmins for everything.

Who moved my narrative? Curious case of Indian elites

For the first time in the history of Independent India, the Indian Elites are clueless about how to regain control over information and the narrative. It is frustrating them. It is making them desperate, angry and abusive, leading them to create fear psychosis by shouting “Idea of India is in Danger”.

Barbarization of the Hindu: Why I take offence to micro aggression

your fore fathers have not sacrificed any less for you to remain a Hindu and be able to still retain a voice, however small. Make sure you vote in a Hindu government if you’re on this side of the civilizational war. your fore fathers have not sacrificed any less for you to remain a Hindu and be able to still retain a voice, however small. Make sure you vote in a Hindu government if you’re on this side of the civilizational war.

India’s forced identity crisis

From outside India appears to be a diverse country with multiculturalism at its maximum, but from within, we are hollow.

मोहन भागवत का शक्तिशाली भारत

भारत का शक्तिशाली होना देश के धर्मनिरपेक्ष ढाँचे के लिए ठीक नहीं है, इस बात को समझते हुए नेहरु ने देश की सुरक्षा को अपनी प्राथमिकताओं में सबसे निचला स्थान दिया था।

Did Veer Savarkar really begged the English to let him go?

In current times, talking about Hinduism, Hindutva, term you not only communal, Bhakt but if given chance the opposition try to destroy you in totality.

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