Don’t be tolerant to mediocrity from Bollywoodians – walk away from a shitty movie instead of trying to recover the ticket price by watching it until the skimpy-dressed lady in the item song comes on screen or until till the end credits start to roll.
Bollywood is so obsessed with nepotism and it has been shrunk to a limited banners like Dharma, YRF, T-series, Balaji to name a few. If someone messes with any of them or with their dear ones he will get thrown out of the industry.
So-called loving family Bollywood claims to be is in actuality an oligarchy ruled by tyrannical bigots- India’s dirtiest industry is one of the very places in the world where adopting neutrality and turning your back to scathing evidence is what ensures your safety.
Nepotism has fixed its root deep and its proliferating growth is something no one can control. This virus has spread widely in the society and no vaccines are still found.
जब एक तरफ सुशांत सिंह राजपूत जैसी बड़ी हस्ती के लिए आम लोग इंसाफ की गुहार करते थक नहीं रहे हैं, वहीँ दूसरी तरफ सरकार और बॉलीवुड दिगज्जों की तरफ से कोई भी आवाज़ नहीं आ रही है, ऐसा क्यों?