Saturday, July 27, 2024


Anti Hindu Teachings

The ‘truest’ of indologists

A twitter user True Indology demolishes the lies and false propaganda everyday.

They peddle lie and cry to believe it as History: An answer to Romila Thapar’s latest piece

Ample amount of damages to Indian history has been done by the Left-wing and Nehru-centric Historian like Romila Thapar, Ramachandra Guha and others. They peddled lie and call it history.

सबसे महान कौन? अकबर या महाराणा प्रताप

अकबर ने हिंदू मंदिरों को नष्ट किया। उन्होंने एकलिंग जी की मूर्ति को ढहा दिया और उस पर नमाज अदा करने के लिए एक मंच बनाया। महाराणा प्रताप ने अपने जीवनकाल में एक भी मस्जिद को नष्ट नहीं किया।

The politics of a Tilak: How Hindus too have internalised Hinduphobia

Our actions are political expressions, and the act of not wearing a Tilak was a political expression perhaps coerced out of our ancestors. Our past political history has kept no stone unturned to demoralize Hinduism and its holy practices.

I am a Hindu and my religion made me human!

Mr. Yechuri please read Ramayana and Mahabharata once, they clearly condemns violence and wars. It is the last choice against Adharma.

The impact of distortion of history

After years of sterilisation of our history we as a Hindu community are ok with demonization of our religion, our culture and even our very own identity.

Flawed democracy & why Pakistan is not Bharat’s biggest enemy

Our democracy is partially blind and has no way to distinguish between nationalism and rent seeking behaviour and this is where the society must step in to fill the gaps. We need to list out those who use our nation’s democracy and Constitution to further their personal agendas and remove them from electoral process to begin with.

हिंदू रेट ऑफ ग्रोथ का सच

सत्तर के दशक में नेहरूवियन सोशलिज्म की नाकामियों को छुपाने और देश की आर्थिक बदहाली का ठीकरा फोड़ने के लिये एक नया जुमला गढ़ा गया था।"हिन्दू रेट ऑफ ग्रोथ"

Combatting Christian Missionaries in Germany: Thank you for strengthening my faith into Sanatan Dharma

As much as I was surprised at having been a targeted customer at soul shop, I was also thankful. Since that day, my awareness and appreciation of my own faith has increased. I am more cognizant of the depth of the faith and philosophy I was born into.

A counter narrative: Ghar Vaapsi, a natural corollary

The NIA narrative since 2008 of Hindu terror is not standing scrutiny, the Congress’ attempt at communalising terror hasn’t really taken off despite brazen accusations by senior Congress leaders

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