Friday, October 18, 2024


Anti- CAA agitation is orchestrated

Looking back at ‘anti-CAA agitation’ after ten months

If Muslims in India in particular and South East Asia in general continue to practice “heads I win, tails you lose”, soul of India will be determined by right wing Indian Hindus in coming days!

Why Indian democracy is dying

Our democracy has stooped to such a level that the so called leftists start opposing each and every act that the elected government do. They don’t care even if it is good for the nation, they manipulate the media to spread their personal propagandas and create an unrest in the whole nation.

Biased and unjust attack on Prime Minister Modi and his Citizenship Amendment Act

If CAA is discriminatory to Muslims, USA’s Lautenberg Amendment of 1990 is discriminatory to Muslims too because it excludes Muslim refugees from Iran to be resettled in USA. It allows only Jews, Christians, and Bahais to be resettled in USA.

The journey of anti-CAA virus in the U.S.: A tale of three cities

Kshama Sawant, a Hindu immigrant embraces Hindu phobic ideology and lead an anti-India campaign to seek a stage for her future political dreams.

As India agitates illegal immigrants continue to rejoice: Part-II

India is on agitation mode over CAA, based on the false constructs that it was intended to discitizenise the minorities on religious premises. In the meanwhile, the illegal immigrants are being provided a safe passage.

What the Right needs to learn from the Left!

From Bernie Sanders calling it an attack against the Muslim community in the country to India's very own media houses calling it a state-sponsored 'Pogrom', the left has been able to put forward their narrative and most importantly, promote it.

NRI youths celebrate Holi for humanity and unity

Let us whole heartedly welcome our brothers and sisters belonging to minority communities in our neighbouring countries who are persecuted to death in that hell!

These hypocrites disregarding constitution and misguiding people are to blame for Delhi riots

Would things would have come to this brutal stage if the hypocritic lobby of opposition political parties, media and Bollywood have said truths to the protesters about the constitutionality of CAA and NRC?

The bleeding heart of a Dilli Wala

Ground Reports gathered from different cities on a personal level confirm the fact that Shaheen Bagh protests and the daily updates were being relayed across the country and Muslims across the country were made to believe that the CAA was totally Anti-Muslim and all of them would be forced to leave the country.

Why BJP shall be the main stream party forever in India

Unlike arrogance of elite class and ignorance of poor class, the middle class is always progressive and nationalist voice.

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