Saturday, May 4, 2024


Why Hindu youth hate their own practice, culture and civilization

The youth should know the difference between modernization and westernization, changes with requirement of time differs from unknowingly influenced by other's way of life.

The Chinese and the slow cook of the Indian industry

This Corona Pandemic has given us a golden opportunity to make our space. If we don't do it now we might as well write our future as being subservient to the Chinese.

सांस्कृतिक सूत्र, जिनमें पिरोयी हैं विविधता की मनकाएं

क्या श्री राम जन्मभूमि पर भव्य राष्ट्र मंदिर के निर्माण के भूमि पूजन के उजास से आलोकित इस स्वाधीनता दिवस पर उन सांस्कृतिक सूत्रों पर बल देना समीचीन नहीं होगा जिन्होंने हमें बहुविध होने पर भी एकात्मता प्रदान की है?

Ram Mandir Bhoomi Pujan- A step towards civilizational resurgence

The Ram mandir movement is civilizationally important as it brought in not only the mainstream Hindu voices but also many subaltern voices that did not have a voice in the broader national discourse. It is after a long time that people stood up for something casting aside their caste and even religious divisions.

मोदी विरोधी मित्र को उत्तर

70 साल से जो मुद्दे नासूर बन कर हमें चुभ रहे थे उसका निवारण भी मोदी सरकार ने ही किया चाहे तो 370 हो 35ए हो या राममंदिर हों। जिन मुद्दों पर आजतक सभी राजनीतिक दल बोलने से भी डरती थी, उन मुद्दों को हल करने का काम मोदी सरकार ने किया है।

All that’s online isn’t gospel

Everybody has an opinion about every small issue around him, thanks to the information available at a finger click, no matter how valid it is!

Learnings from Galwan Valley– Similarities between Nazi Germany and Communist China

Has China committed a grave error of judgement in picking a fight with India in the Galwan valley? And will it exhibit the reckless aggressiveness of Hitler or the shrewd cunning of the famed Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu ?

मंदिरों के देश में न्याय मांगते मंदिर

आइए जानते हैं कुछ प्रमुख मंदिरों के बारे में जो आज मस्जिद का रूप लिए हुए हैं और न्याय मांग रहे हैं।

Politics of religion and science

Since BJP made history in 2014 and came to power with staggering numbers, there has been constant propaganda about religion taking importance over development and science.

Thinning the line between natural & man-made disasters

As climate change and unsustainable development have become totems of environmental deterioration, humanity continues to incur the wrath of nature through an uneven distribution of rainfall, longer than usual spells of drought, and frequent earthquakes.

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