Sunday, May 19, 2024


The malaise that is ailing our country

If 1000 years of invasions, loot, plunder and occupations could not kill the humanity of this great nation, can one person sitting in the chair of the Prime Minister kill it? Are we as a nation so bereft of morality?

Siddharth, India hasn’t changed. You have.

There is so much dishonesty in Siddharth claiming that he never used to be trolled but he has been viciously abused only since 2014. Sid may genuinely be deluding himself that the climate was awesome back then. But it barely was.

Hindu Bengalis of east Pakistan and Bangladesh: A persecuted & forgotten community

Blinded by secularism, some refugees like Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya even publicly ate beef in Kolkata during 2015 to express solidarity with Muslims of India. But at what cost they have been doing so?

यह पाखंड बंद करो मोमिनों-बुर्कापरस्तों! प्रभु श्रीराम भी हमारे और माँ दुर्गा भी हमारीं!

शुतुरमुर्गी सोच आत्मघाती होगी, आँखें खोलकर देखिए आपके आस-पड़ोस में रोज एक 'रिंकु' मारा जा रहा है, रोज एक 'निकिता' तबाह की जा रही है, रोज एक 'नारंग' 'ध्रुव तिवारी' इनकी जिहादी-ज़ुनूनी-मज़हबी हिंसा का शिकार हो रहा है।

The new farm laws –Tools to empower farmers directly

The law aims at promoting and facilitating free trade in agriculture. Farmer can sell the produce any where all over country.

Secrets of India-China dis-engagement at LAC

What is happening with China India at border: Read here.

Busting the myths and fake news regarding Contract Farming

There're two sides. On one side are the people like these who do not want any kind of reforms and want to keep the "policy paralysis" state as is, on the other side are the people like us, who want reforms and were fad up of the "policy paralysis" state and don't what it any more.

Group commander NCC, Rajkot– the man on mission- 26 January 2021– special interview

The Brigadier feels that the NCC’s job is not only to prepare the young blood to become the country’s second line of defence, in case the need arises but also to train the Indian Youth to become better human beings, citizen soldiers for the rest of their lives

Recurring protests: A double-edged sword for the opposition

By protesting on nearly everything, with every protest ultimately aimed at defaming India at the international stage, disrupting the life of commoners, destruction of property, and a tirade against Hindus, the sympathy of the fence-sitters gradually shifts to Modi.

The Indian republic and its long drawn struggle with endemic viruses

As our Republic attains 71 years of age let us pause to reflect as to what has really been ailing her health in the back drop of some robust health exhibited by some Republics, which too were born around the same time as her.

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