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राम राम कन्हैया भाई! तनिक हमारा भी सुनिये


भाई कन्हैया, राम – राम

भाई चिट्ठी लिखने से पहले हम बहुते सोचे कि लिखें या ना लिखें । तुम तो अभी सेलब्रिटी बन गए हो । हज़ार ठो चिट्ठी तो लिखा जा चुका है, कै गो इंटरव्यू । साला फ़ेसबुक, व्हाट्स एप्प, ट्विटर – जहाँ देख़ो तुम्हरे चर्चा। हिला दिए हो माँ कसम।

हाँ तो हम कह रहे थे के बड़ी सोचे कि लिखें कि ना लिखें । लेकिन फिर लगा कि तुम भी तो बिहार के ही हो, अपने ही बगल के आदमी, तो हमरा फ़रज़ बनता है कि जो दिल में आये तुम्हे बता दें । ऊ दिन जब तुम्हरा स्पीच सुने, तुम्हरे जेल से आने के बाद, रोयाँ – रोयाँ खड़ा हो गया । अईसन होता है नेता । “भारत ‘से’ आज़ादी” नहीं “भारत ‘में’ आज़ादी”; का पंच था भाई । कोई तोड़ नहीं । हमका ऊ कन्हैया का याद आ गया, जो हम रोज सुबह भजन में सुनते थे, अनूप जलोटा जी के आवाज़ में । कन्हैया जब पकड़ा जाते थे माखन चुराते-चुराते, तो अम्मा यशोदा से कहते थे – ‘मैं नहीं माखन खायो’ । और फिर जब माँ पूरा विश्वास कर लेती थी कि कन्हैया ने माखन नहीं खाया, तब कहते थे – ‘मैंने ही माखन खायो’। शबद का चमत्कार – ‘मैं नहीं’ से ‘मैंने ही’ | बस थोड़ा सा हेर-फेर और धरती ऊपर, आसमान नीचे । वही चमत्कार उस दिन देखने को मिला कलिजुग के इस कन्हैया के शब्दों में में |

एगो आज़ादी वाली बात भी बड़ी पसंद आई । भूखमरी से आज़ादी, सामंतवाद से आज़ादी, ब्राह्मणवाद से आज़ादी, मनुवाद से आज़ादी, जातिवाद से आज़ादी…. समूचे इंटरनेट तो आज़ादी से भर गया है । एक ठो हम अपनी ओर से जोड़ना चाहते थे अगर इजाज़त हो तो । पाखण्डवाद से आज़ादी । पाखण्डवाद मने Hypocrisy | सबसे आज़ादी मिल जाये, लेकिन Hypocrisy रह जाए तो सब गुड़गोबर है | अब देखो ‘अफज़ल गुरु’ को पूरा सुनवाई करके, सब सबूत पर विचार करके कोर्ट फाँसी दिया तो ‘Judicial Killing’ और उस पर protest । और वही कोरट तुमको बेल पर रिहा किया तो ‘सत्यमेव जयते’ । इसको कहते हैं Hypocrisy, पाखंडवाद।

हमरा बड़ा मन था कि सब अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी यानी Freedom of Speech पर ताबड़तोड़ चिल्लाने वाले, कमलेश तिवारी के टाइम भी बोलते । ससुरा प्रेशर बनाते सरकार पर और निकलवाते उसको जेल से, फिर देखते लौण्डे का oratory skill तुम्हरे जैसा है कि नहीं । बढ़िया होता तो नेता बनता, इंटरव्यू आता चैनल -बर – चैनल, नहीं तो घूरता रहता लंठ जईसा । किसको इतना टाइम है हीरो या विलेन बनाने का, लेकिन क्वेश्चन है कि सरकार काहे अंगुली करे ? पर भईया, सरकार ने उसकी आज़ादी छीनी और कोई ‘आज़ादी वाला’ नहीं बोला – बड़ा अफ़सोस है । अब बोलोगे तुम कि सबको ऐसे बोलने की आज़ादी दे दो और दंगा करवाओ देश में, यही चाहते हो का ? ना भाई, कान पकड़त हैं । शांति से जीना सभे चाहत हैं, लेकिन सबको एक जैसा ट्रीटमेंट मिलना चाहिए की नहीं, बोलो ? एक धरम को कछु भी बोलो तो आज़ादी और दूसरे को जेल की चक्की । संविधान सबके लिए बराबर है की नहीं, बोलो?

साला जातिवाद से आज़ादी का सब बात करत है, लेकिन कउनौ माई का लाल में हिम्मत नहीं है कि Uniform Civil Code का बात कर सके । कौनो क्रान्तिकारी ई नहीं बोलता कि जाति वाला आरक्षण बंद होना चाहिए । यही तो अम्बेडकर जी भी बोले थे ना, संविधान बनाते समय कि जाति वाला आरक्षण १० – २० साल में ख़तम हो जाना चाहीं । फिर दिन में दस बार अम्बेडकर जी का नाम लेने वाला, काहे नहीं इसके लिये आवाज़ उठाता । अरे आरक्षणे देना है, तो इनकम देख के दो ना । परिवार का स्थिति देख के दो, कौन बोलेगा । लेकिन आज़ादी (ऑरिजिनल वाला ) के ६० साल बाद भी वही – ई जात, ऊ पात, Xylum-Phylum (इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज में हम यही बोलते थे ) । साला दिमाग ख़राब हो गया है । और खाली ब्राह्मणवाद से आज़ादी काहे भाई, बनियावाद से आज़ादी, भूमिहारवाद से आज़ादी, दलितवाद से आज़ादी, ई नागिन वोट बैंक वाद से आज़ादी । तुम आवाज़ उठाओ ई सब के आज़ादी के लिए, हम सुर – में – सुर मिलाएंगे । ठीक वैसे ही जैसे हम सुर – में -सुर मिलाये थे अन्ना हज़ारे के साथ, भ्रष्टाचार से आज़ादी के लिए।

भूखमरी से आज़ादी भी ऊही ६० साल से सुन रहे हैं । का हुआ ? कितना प्रोग्राम आया और गया – भूखमरी डायन न हिली । और सबसे जादे ई डायन अपना आसन जमा के बैठ गयी तो हमरे एरिया बिहार – यूपी – बंगाल में । वहीं जहाँ रोजे नारा लगता है Socialism, Secularism और Equality का । मोदी को पानी पी – पीकर कोसने वाला ई काहे नहीं बताता कि केतना ई एरिया से हमरा भाई लोग अपना जोरू पीछे छोड़कर सूरत – अहमदाबाद चला जाता है, भूखमरी से आज़ादी के लिए। काहे एगो कंपनी नहीं आता यहाँ नौकरी देने के लिए, ताकि जिगर पे पत्थर रखके बाहर नहीं जाना पड़े पेट पालने के लिए ? बोलो हम झूठ बोल रहे हैं तो ? हमका आज़ादी चाहिए ई झूठ से, ई फरेब से, ई पाखण्ड से, ई बकवास नारेबाजी से । टीसता है हमको । खून जलता है हमरा।

भईया बोलना आसान है, करना मुश्किल। स्पीच देना आसान है, रोटी देना मुश्किल। खैर ई मानकर की जो कुछ भी हुआ उस दिन JNU में, खासकर भारत की बर्बादी के नारे में- उसमे तुम्हरा हाथ नहीं था, एक ठो सुझाव देंगे अपना समझकर । अच्छा लगे तो मानना । पूरा बड़ नेता बन गए हो अभी । हम चाहत हैं कुछ करो गरीब जनता के लिए, परिवार-समाज के लिए, बड़ा नाम होगा । बड़ ग़रीबी है बिहार में । तुमसे अच्छा कौन जानत होगा । बहुत क्रांति का बात होता हैं इहाँ, बाकी सरकार से बोलो कि माई -बाप एक नौकरी मिलेगी, तो फ़टाक से मुँह बिचका देती है । भूखा सबसे पहले रोटी माँगता है, फिर पेट भर जाए तो समझाओ जितना समझाना है जो विचारधारा।

बाकी सरकार को गरियाने से क्या होगा ? हाँ दो – चार जो उनकी राजनीति के विरोधी हैं, तुम्हे लपक लेंगे तुम्हरे जीभ का लपलपाहट देखकर | उनको तो कोई चाहिए जो दिन-रात गलथोथरी कर सके उनके लिए ।तुम्हरा कैरियर भले बन जाए, भूखमरी से आज़ादी तो ना मिल पायेगी । सरकार तो आएगी – जायेगी, वही तमाशा चलता रहेगा जो चल रहा है ६० साल से । हाँ जमीनी स्तर पर काम करो तो सचमुच कुछ identity बन जाए, तुम्हरा भी, बिहार का भी । हम भी शान से बोलें कि हई देखो ई है ऊ बिहार का लाला, जिसके दिल में गरीबों के लिए टीस है । बाकी मीडिया तो रोज नेता बनाती है, रोज उतारती है । कल तुमसे ज्यादा कोई गबरू जवान मिल गया लप -लप करने वाला, तो तुम्हें छोड़कर उसे लपक लेंगे । कभी केजरीवाल, तो कभी हार्दिक पटेल, तो कभी कन्हैया । बच के रहना उन सबसे । बाकी तुम्हरी समझ।

एक ठो आखरी दरख्वास्त है हमरा हाथ जोड़के । छठी मईया को बड़ा मानते हैं लोग इ एरिया में । तीन – तीन दिन का बड़का उपवास । हम साइंस वाले लोग, हमका नहीं पता कि का सिद्धि मिलती है, ई तप से । लेकिन बड़े सीधे-सादे लोग हैं, एकदम श्रद्धालु । कोई ऊ देवी के बारे कुछ उल्टा – पुल्टा कहे बिना सोचे – समझे खाली चोट पहुँचाने के लिए, तो साथ मत देना उनका । अब कंफ्यूज मत होना कि तब हम कमलेश तिवारी का आज़ादी का बात काहे किये – ‘साला डबल स्टैण्डर्ड’ । तो एक बार फिर हम समझाए देते हैं कि कभी हम उसका आज़ादी का बात नहीं किए । हम बस बोले कि सरकार को सब धार्मिक भावना को ठेस पहुँचाने वाले को एक जैसा व्यवहार करना चाहिए । या तो सबको सज़ा, या सबको आज़ादी । ई छठी मईया वाला हमरा पर्सनल अपील था, काहे हमको दुर्गा माँ वाला थोड़े दिन पहले पता चला इसलिए।

बाकी गुंडवन टाइप के लोगन से जरा बच के रहना । जज साहिबा जो बोली हैं, उनको जेहन में रखना । पी एच डी जल्दी ख़तम कर लेना । बड़ा उम्मीद रहेगा तुमसे।

तुम्हरा भाई

Dograland : BJP-PDP is a necessary evil


“It must be very cold. I have seen pictures of snow and beauty”. Anyone from Jammu who has been outside the state must have heard this statement in rest of India regularly in his life as soon as they mention their hometown being Jammu, the winter capital of J&K. For those who don’t know – No my friends it doesn’t snow in Jammu city. Jammu city is not the pictures of snow you see.

Jammu is the city of temples which are alive while in Kashmir 208 temples have been officially declared damaged in last two and half decades of militancy. This education on how separate Jammu is from Kashmir is a necessity in today´s politics. It is no longer a joke since rest of India is unknowingly making Jammu pay for standing against the secessionist voices in Kashmir.

These days and mostly after JNU row on Afzal Guru one question been asked again and again to BJP is why they choose or will choose to tie up with PDP which has contrary views on Afzal Guru. Not just Afzal Guru probably BJP and PDP don’t agree of 99.99% ideological points.  Yes, the question is very much valid. But is BJP power-hungry? A party which focussed majority of its time on common minimum program for development of J&K rather than trying to negotiate & get at least one major state ministry to itself.

How BJP-PDP ideologically standing on two opposite poles made an alliance should be a matter of case study. This is a perfect example of tolerance for each other for the development of the state. For BJP state unit surely it was for the aspirations and trust which people of Jammu & Ladakh showed in them in Parliamentary elections & repeated it in assembly elections. The politics of J&K has always been Kashmir centric, existing constituencies in J&K are carved out of 1995 census. 21 years since delimitation of J&K assembly seats hasn’t been done & state assembly dominated by Kashmiri Politician deferred the delimitation to 2026 which would mean that only after 31 years proper representation of people of state would be “thought” about. Many believe that this is injustice to people of Jammu were electorates in a single constituency of Gandhi Nagar are more than combined electorates in two constituencies of Kashmir.

Jammu deserves to be a separate state and I for long have supported the creation of state of Jammu. Each time this is raised a quick rebuttal comes that this will affect India´s position on Kashmir. So Jammu has to continue paying the price? Jammu with 37/87 assembly seats can never ever get its due. So what did people of Jammu do, tried their best to vote for a party which can represent it & kill the feeling of neglect from decades. Now that Jammu has chosen its representative and majority on ground have no issues with its alliance with PDP, many in India are again wanting it to sacrifice so that people in rest of India can proudly raise their nationalist flag.

How Jammu has been neglected can be seen by a dumping ground next to Jammu Railway station or by standing in a queue for security check into Jammu airport were the waiting room is smaller than many houses of Jammu. In Jammu outside govt. quarters once found a big left over garbage which was picked up by a small overloaded tempo by two workers using their naked hands who tried their best to at least fit something into that tempo. This is regular. (Actual Pictures shared)

Whether BJP-PDP is successful in dealing with the feelings of Jammu and Ladakh which have long been neglected is a separate issue for which BJP sure will lose the ground in next assembly election should it fail. But for BJP to not form govt in J&K with PDP so to represent Jammu & Ladakh properly just to silence its critic in rest of India it will be injustice to the voters who voted for a hope. This write-up is with a hope that people in rest of India understand that Jammu & Ladakh has long paid to keep the stakes high and not to play with their aspirations which they represented through their votes.

Rest assured, should the BJP fail the people of Jammu & Ladakh it is time for the state of Dograland and union territory of Ladakh. And that will be the time the people from these regions will refuse to pay the price anymore. I hope this nation doesn’t want a Telangana movement to happen again.

Shreshtha Bharat is possibile only when NDA Comes To Power


Yes! Shreshtha Bharat aka Ache Din will come only when NDA Comes To Power

During the election campaigning, the Prime Ministerial candidate of NDA Narendra Modi coined the slogan in Hindi, “Ache Din Aane Wale Hain”  which literally translates into a prosperous future is in store for India if BJP+ comes into power. But, unfortunately, NDA still is not in complete power. And we will find out why? But, before that let’s understand what is Ache Din?

For an aam aadmi like you and me  what could be the Ache Din? What a country needs to keep its citizens happy and prosperous? In short, Ache Din would mean the following –

What a country needs to keep its citizens happy and prosperous? In short, Ache Din would mean the following –

    1. Living in a pollution-free environment which means developing Smart Cities.
    2. Have super-fast bullet trains that reduce the travel time between two cities and promote trade.
    3. Provide support to farmers with initiatives that double their income instead of offering those Loan Waiver Schemes. The agenda behind this is to make them self-reliant and help them come out from the clutches of poverty. Making this happen to them would mean Ache Din has come to them.
    4. People today are grappling with high prices due to which rich is becoming richer and poor poorer. Parity amongst all classes can come only when prices come down to acceptable levels. Ache Din would mean access to the three basic necessities of life – roti, kapda aur makaan.
    5. Look around and you’ll find yourself living around a big trash. Ache Din would mean living in a healthy and clean India.
    6. India is a diverse and plural country with mix faiths and ethnicities. The social fabric of this vulnerable nation needs to be protected so that Ache Din to our generations to come can mean living in a peaceful India.
    7. Have you seen the demographics the world over? Look beyond the Indian sphere and you will realize that India has the youngest demography which will help in making it a powerful India.
    8. 2G Spectrum Scam! Coal Scam! CWG Scam! Cash for Vote Scam! Tatra Truck Scam! Adarsh Scam! The list is endless! The money-making corrupt politicians deposit their black money in Swiss Bank Accounts through Havala Traders and loot the taxpayer’s hard-earned money in the name of development. Oh! That reminds me of THE FAMOUS HAWALA SCAM! Ache Din envisages a corruption-free India.
    9. Though women in India can be seen in different sectors in the country, still a lot needs to be done to empower and uplift this section of the society.
    10. Ever been to UP or Bihar? Just travel on the road with your mobile phone in hand and see the magic; it won’t last long with you. Yes! Because looters have already snatched it away from your hand. Dare to protest? They will come with local rifles to scare you. The criminal activities are spreading in the country like the Dengue fever. The main reason can be attributed to O% employment generation in the past decade. To make this place livable, it needs to be crime-free and the police to person ratio should be 1:100. When this happens, that will be Ache Din.
    11. Good health and economy go hand-in-hand. When people stay healthy, they are more productive. So, India can become incredible only when the last corner of this land receives affordable healthcare and clean water supply.
    12. Youth is the future of this country and efforts should be made to provide them free education up to the University Level.
    13. Visit a clinic here and the doctor will hand you a list of unwanted expensive diagnostics and a complete list of medication which may or may not be needed. True! This is the pathetic state of medical sector in India. The aam junta’s hard-earned money is used up in accessing healthcare. Creating an atmosphere so that people can have free healthcare is the mission of Ache Din.
    14. Ever got the opportunity to see the mice fed mid-day meals in school for children? Or ever visited a rural man’s home? You’ll come to know how difficult it is to procure meal twice a day. Ache Din aims at providing quality economical food for all.
    15. As stated earlier, the manufacturing sector in the last decade saw negligible rise due to which there were practically no jobs and the employable youth indulged in criminal activities. So, Ache Din will come only when there will be jobs for all.
  • India is far behind its western counterparts in R&D because hardly any funds are made available for developing scientific temper. Ache Din will encourage new innovation in space sciences, technology etc.
  • For a corruption-free India, all administrative tasks should be simple and transparent.
  • A hard fact is that the majority of the Indian population lives below the poverty line and is forced to stay in clustered houses which do not have proper sanitation facilities. Ache Din would mean that every individual will have a house that can be called HIS HOME.
  • Criminals today get away easily because there is hardly any stringent punishment to the law-breaker and often times the trial goes on for years. Justice Delayed is Justice Denied! The arrival of Ache Din would mean only when speedier verdict is given.
  • This and all coming generation can see Ache Din only when we have a UNITED INDIA with one rule one country.
  • India’s rich cultural heritage is long forgotten. It is time to look back and revive and promote Ancient Indian Culture and Language.

If you agree this is the Ache Din, it is very much possible to bring Ache Din to India, but only when BJP+ comes to power.

In the past decade, people have suffered adversely due to the misrule of the previous government. In fact, a large chunk of the time-frame has seen this government ruling on our nation. The Preamble of India declares India to be a democratic state. But, what really is a democracy?

In a democratic system, the authority of the government rests with the people of the nation. They elect representatives in every five years to rule on their behalf. But, there is a palpable anger at the politicians for failing miserably in governance. Democracy, as originally envisaged, “Of the people, by the people and for the people” has now become more about the survival of politicians. For effective working of a nation, democracy, in principle, cannot bring change. It needs four pillars for effective functioning. But, over a period of time, these four tenets have been excessively misused by a few “self-proclaimed rulers” who have changed the way these should function.

  • Legislature: Though it consists of the two houses of Parliament but today it is embodied as a non-functioning Parliament.
  • Executive: In previous years, the power was vested in a single individual from whom even the PM took orders. Left liberal influenced Babus today used to the past corrupt practice unwilling to support the new government, 
  • Judiciary: The Indian courts are characterized as corrupt and slow in giving verdicts. It is over-burdened with the backlog.
  • Press: Finally, we have a press that has “excessive” freedom of speech (Ever wondered why China is still ahead of India?). Being run by political parties and business conglomerates, they are besotted with covering any and every political drama. Construing and misconstruing statements are what they really do instead of reporting facts.

What Went Wrong?

Congress (or in alliance with other parties) have ruled this nation approximately for six decades and in the course of time, they have practically started to think themselves as The Divine Rulers of This Kingdom. No one, just no one, can ever mess with their stronghold. But, as we can see, it has not only failed miserably, it was also unable to bring any considerable change in the last six decades.

Why Congress (or UPA) Failed To Bring That “CHANGE”?

  1. Instead of making the agrarian community self-reliant, it always spoke of ways of eradicating poverty with campaigns like “Garibi Hatao.”
  2. To stay in power, they purposely did not bring a radical change in rural areas and they kept a high level of population poor and illiterate.
  3. Being for a majority of the time in power, they have intelligently manipulated all the pillars of democracy which have raised the levels of corruption. Each time, a scam is unearthed, each time they easily got away with.
  4. Supporting large business houses and seeking funds in return is their main agenda. They encourage crony capitalism and have succeeded in creating a nexus between politics and trade.
  5. They are dangerously rooted in every corner of the administrative machinery thereby created a dangerous ecosystem.
  6. The Congress party is really hoping to capitalize from the ongoing events that unfolded in Jawaharlal Nehru University and Jadavpur University in unison with MSM. Since the current government hardly gives them any chance of a controversy, they thought this incident to be an ideal “political” scenario. They try their best to obstruct the functioning of this government.

Change That BJP (or NDA) Aspires to Bring

  1. The way they are working day in and day out, we can expect Ache Din to come soon.
  2. One of the major drawbacks in the last General Elections is that the NDA got majority only in the Lok Sabha. Owing to lack of numbers in Rajya Sabha, it becomes difficult for the government to pass any legislation. The opposition never misses a chance to disrupt the proceedings of the House. The video below is self-explanatory.

A Gruesome murder of Democracy

Where you can see both Congrupts and Commi use the strategy to just shoot and scoot!

And Why do they do this? Check the second video below, which is self explanatory, simple blackmail strategy if you arrest my daughter for her treason, we will not allow the parliament to function.

  1. Britishers left this nation way back in 1947 only to be ruled by an Italian! To make their presence strong and deep-rooted, they have bribed bureaucrats, appointed loyalists in the judicial ranks who never pass a verdict against them. The whole administrative fabric is “Congress-infested” just the way a termite infests wood.
  2. In the name of freedom of speech and expression, the left-liberal dominated media disseminates false news which is factually and partially correct most of the times. TRP is the mantra now! In the name of showing BREAKING NEWS, they distort the narrative to part with their political ideologues.
  3. Indian history textbooks contain utter crap! You can realize the way  these books would’ve been written. These are just “a Congress trumpet” because the party has ruled the nation for such a long time. They will not show the clear picture. The most hilarious were when Rahul Gandhi was compared to the likes of M.K. Gandhi and Nehru in a Class V English textbook. Imagine the state of literature that is being produced in the temple of learning. Our Kids are just forced to study about Sikular celebrated genius and open letter Specialist such as Barkha Dutt, but also

Lesson like this for 6th Standard student indirectly urging him to convert to Islam as there is no equality in Hinduism

6th Standard syllabus in India, states, hindus converted to Islam because inequality
6th Standard syllabus in India, states, hindus converted to Islam because inequality
Hinduism to Islam
Equality in Islam world know, this is where Hindu kids are urged to convert

True, communalism destroys the social fabric, so why not bring a uniform civil code?

Want to see Ache Din? Bring NDA in the majority both in Lok and Rajya sabha so that they work uninterrupted. INDIA desperately needs a radical change – change in the outdated Constitution, change in laws, and a drastic change in the corrupt judiciary, bureaucracy, and Media.

Hence, we need to bring NDA to power, truly in power wherein we bring Narendra Modi as Prime minister of the people, by the people and for the people.


Dear “Anti-National” Journalist, I am a Proud Bhakt


The so-called “eminent journalists” in our country rattled by the sudden uptick in Arnab’s popularity during the JNU row, suddenly started to resort to cheap techniques tried and tested by experts in the past. Rajdeep Sardesai and Barkha Dutt fired letters publicly to PM Modi almost within a day’s gap announcing that they are Anti-National and Presstitutes, as if we already don’t know that. Realizing that sending letters is not effective enough Ravish Kumar blacked out the screen on his prime time show and basically read out what he and his colleagues were doing for the past 20 years. Their attempt to garner pity and attention has received a lukewarm response.

And as the time flew by everyone was returning to normalcy i.e. Arnab’s incessant shouting, Barkha’s incessant lying and Rajdeep’s incessant rant about secularism. But Arnold Goswami is back with another explosive story #IshratCoverUp in his own style. 143,362 tweets! The number of tweets based on above-mentioned hashtag created by him is record breaking. At least by their standards. 11 ex-NIA and ex-Home Ministry officers have come out with shocking revelations as to how the UPA government covered up the role of a LeT terrorist just to defame Modi. How ridiculous and shameless. And these are the people who talk about Freedom of Expression along with their gang of Presstitutes, Pseudo Secularists, Maoists, Marxists, Award Wapsists, Left wing, Pseudo Intellectuals, their mothers, their sisters, their maids and the list goes on.

The way both these issues were covered in most of the major news channels is deplorable. Instead of reporting the news as to who raised anti national slogans in the JNU campus they cleverly re-directed the issue to the hooligans who created havoc in the Patiala Court House and were taking potshots at the current government for their inaction against them. Okay, I agree that these lawyers need to be prosecuted for the violence but what about the students who raised “ANTI NATIONAL” slogans, you dumb fucks? You cannot seriously believe that normal people like us would not notice this sudden affection for your journalist colleagues and students. You were busy devising your devious plans to bring down Modi when your colleagues were killed in Karnataka or communal riots took place in Malda or a RSS activist was killed by CPI cadres. Oh, I am so sorry. This is what Freedom of Expression is right? You guys are in a mode of denial and in a mode of stupidity. You went to the JNU hostel for a chit chat with the students? How was the nimbu chai? Did you find any condoms there? Why don’t you search for Rahul Gandhi’s brain or your honor there? And aww, just look at you guys airing a 1:1 talk show with Kanhaiya Kumar. These students, who want “Azaadi” from India, tearfully agreed that India is their country after being in the jail for just 20 days and they are being compared to Bhagat Singh and Mahatma Gandhi. Laughable! Kanhaiya Kumar is just a political tool being used by both the BJP and CPI targeting the upcoming elections. He will be abandoned by every political outfit after the elections just like the Intolerant India debate after Bihar elections. So, I strongly suggest you guys start looking out for some other sensational news before these elections end. Arnab Goswami is ready to snatch away whatever little TRP’s you have left.


I am a Bhakt. I believe that the intolerance level in the country did not increase after 2014.

I am a Bhakt. I believe that Yoga has nothing to do with religion.

I am a Bhakt. I believe that terrorism has everything to do with religion.

I am a Bhakt. I believe that Narendra Modi and Co. is the best thing that happened to India.

I am a Bhakt. I believe that Rahul Gandhi is incompetent to run for Prime Minister.

I am a Bhakt. I believe that the only thing Arvind Kejriwal does is whine about Modi.

I am a Bhakt. I believe in the right wing ideology where we perceive all religions to be equal but not the distorted image you have created.

I am a Bhakt. I disagree with a lot of intellectuals blatantly blaming Modi, because their dog did not pee today.

Plea to preserve Sree Poornathrayeesa’s caparisons gets stronger



Tripunithura :

Devotees’ plea to protect the golden caparisons used for the idol carrying elephant of Lord Poornathrayeesa during the annual festival and during other special occasions get stronger as the Devaswom moves at a steadier pace to get it renovated. The governing body of the temple, the Cochin Devaswom Board and the Sree Poornathrayeesa Seva Sanghom, the temple’s management in-charge body recently decided to get the caparisons (Nettipattom and Kolam) refurbished and had launched the fundraiser.

Although the fundraiser initially was pushed stating that the move was to make new sets, the latest press release announcing their motive to use the gold from the antique pieces has elicited shock and fear among devotees and others concerned. Dating back a few hundreds of years, the golden caparisons are composed of rare and precious stones and gems.

It is believed that the Imperial Government had laid railway tracks to Cochin using the revenue generated from the gold in fourteen similar caparisons, which reiterates value of the materials. The recent move by the Board and SPSS is being justified by saying that the caparisons are small and do not fit taller elephants. However, experts state in contrary to the aforesaid statement that there are photographic evidences showing the same caparisons fitting majestic tusker of yesteryear such as Chengallur Ranganathan, Chennaas Narayanan, Cheloor Rajendran, Nanu Ezhuthachan Sreenivasan and so on, and there haven’t been any elephant bigger than these who have come after that, and the question of fitting does not arise at all.

Devotees also alleged that the same forces who have questioned the existence of heritage structures like the Kalmandapam at the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple are behind the destruction of these antique pieces too. Earlier court had intervened and arrested a move to transfer all valuables from the Sree Poornathrayeesa temple to the Board headquarters at Thrissur. Relying on such positive interventions in the past, devotees are hopeful that the antiquities associated with the centuries old temple will be preserved.

क्योंकि वो कन्हैया नहीं है

आदरणीय भारत भाग्य विधाता, गरीबों के तारनहार, अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता के धुरंधर!

वो भी गरीब परिवार से है, वो भी एक बिहार के एक छोटे से गाँव से आकर दिल्ली में रहता है. उसकी भी कुछ समस्याएं हैं. उसके जैसे हजारों हैं जो उसी दुःख से ग्रस्त हैं. वो भी पिछले साल भर से उन हजारों लोगों के साथ अपनी बात रखता है, रैली करता है, नारे लगाता है. लेकिन उसे सुनना तो दूर कोई देखता तक नहीं. उसके लिए किसी नेशनल टी वी चैनल की स्क्रीन काली करना तो दूर, उसको तो क्षेत्रीय भाषा के किसी सांध्य दैनिक का झोलाछाप रिपोर्टर भी भाव नहीं देता. बात तक नहीं करता. शायद कमी उसके नाम में है, कन्हैया या खालिद नहीं है उनमें से कोई. या शायद उनका तरीका गलत है. वो बात करते हैं आपके और उनके बीच असंवाद की दीवार तोड़ने की. काश! उन्होंने भी देश को तोड़ने की बात की होती तो आज उनकी बात को भी नेशनल टी वी चैनल्स दिखाते, वो भी शायद पैनल डिस्कशन का मुद्दा होते. या शायद उनकी कहानी में वो दर्द नहीं है जो करदाताओं के पैसे पर पल कर, वर्षों तक सरकारी पैसे से बहुत बड़े केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में अपनी अय्याशी से ऊब कर, एडवेंचर के लिए देश को गाली देने वाले कन्हैया की कहानी में हैं. उसकी कहानी साधारण है. गरीब मां-बाप ने एक-एक पैसा जोड़कर स्नातक करवाया.

घर को गरीबी ने बाहर निकालने का दबाव इतना ज्यादा था कि स्वार्थी बनना पड़ा, “समाज”, “दलित” और “अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता” जैसे महत्वपूर्ण विषयों के लिए सोच भी नहीं पाया. स्नातक के बाद नौकरी करने चला गया. जब उसके अन्य सहकर्मी गाड़ी और इंदिरापुरम वाले फ़्लैट की कीमतें भर रहे थे तब वो खोड़ा कॉलोनी के सिंगल रूम में रहकर पैसे बचा रहा था. छोटे भाई, बहनों की पढाई की जिम्मेदारी उसे ही उठानी थी. उससे निवृत्त होकर कुछ पैसे अपने लिए बचाए. विलास के नामपर 6000 का एक नया मोबाइल फोन खरीद लिया था. उसमें ऍफ़ एम रेडियो भी था. दिल्ली की चकाचौंध को देखकर अँधेरे में डूबे अपने गाँव पर तरस आता था उसको, जहाँ आज़ादी के इतने साल बाद भी सड़क नहीं पहुंची. बिजली ना आने की शिकायत नहीं थी. सड़क आये तब तो बिजली आये. एक दिन बोला अब जिम्मेदारियों का बोझ कुछ हल्का होने पर मुझे भी अपने गाँव और समाज के लिए कुछ करने की इच्छा हुई है. लेकिन अब समझ आ रहा है कि तरीका गलत चुन लिया उसने. उसने मेहनत कर के आई ए एस बनने की सोची. कुछ दिन तक नौकरी के साथ तैयारी की, संभव नहीं हो पाया. सो पाई-पाई जमा करके अगले एक साल का खर्चा जोड़ा और नौकरी छोड़कर तैयारी में लग गया. इसी बीच अपने जीवन का उनतीसवां पतझड़ भी देखा. UPSC का ये उसका पहला और आखिरी मौका था. जी जान से जुट गया. लोग एक-एक दो-दो साल पहले से तैयारी करते हैं, उसके पास बस 8 महीने थे सो मेहनत भी औरों से ज्यादा करनी थी. दो वैकल्पिक विषय पढने शुरू किये, फिर ख़तम किये. फिर अचानक पता चला कि पाठ्यक्रम बदल गया है. एक ही वैकल्पिक विषय पढ़ना है. UPSC जैसी परीक्षा में सिर्फ चार महीने में बदले हुए पाठ्यक्रम को देखकर हिम्मत जवाब देने लगी. फिर भी लगा रहा. कुछ हम लोगों ने हौसला बढ़ाया, कुछ उसकी ने गाँव और समाज के लिए करने की ललक. हिम्मत करके परीक्षा दी. जिसका डर था वही हुआ. चयन नहीं हुआ. पिछले साल भी कुछ लोगों के साथ ऐसा ही हुआ था. परीक्षा से कुछ महीने पहले पाठ्यक्रम बदला गया. आखिरी मौका था, निकल गया सो वो भी रोजगार की तलाश में लग गया.

हिंदी और अन्य क्षेत्रीय भाषाओँ के साथ UPSC के भेदभाव का मुद्दा बहुत पुराना था. लोग बहुत पहले से आवाज उठा रहे थे. लेकिन चुनावी वर्ष होने की वजह से इस बार राहुल गांधी जी ने सुन लिया. उसके बाद मीडिया ने भी सुना और सबको सुनाया. वो अलग बात है कि जो असल मुद्दा था और जो मीडिया ने सुनाया उसमें जमीन आसमान का अंतर था. मुद्दा था CSAT का पेपर जो ग्रामीण परिवेश से आने वालों के लिए कठिन था. इसका एक कारण था UPSC द्वारा अंग्रेजी से अन्य क्षेत्रीय भाषाओँ और हिंदी में किया जाने वाला घटिया स्तर का अनुवाद, मीडिया ने मुद्दा बना दिया “UPSC का अंग्रेजी प्रेम”. बहरहाल परीक्षा से तीन महीने पहले सरकार ने कहा कि इस बार लोगों को दो अतिरिक्त मौके मिलेंगे. लेकिन इसमें भी पिछले साल वालों को मौका नहीं दिया. जबकि सबसे बड़ा अन्याय उन्हीं के साथ हुआ. तीन महीने में तैयारी संभव नहीं थी, सो उसने सोचा कि एक और मौका है. उसके लिए कोशिश करेगा. तब तक अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति भी सुधार लेगा वो. हम सबने भी यही सलाह दी. एक बार फिर से तैयारी में जुट गया. बदले हुए पाठ्यक्रम में CSAT बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हो गया था, उसपर अतिरिक्त मेहनत की. और एक बार फिर UPSC ने परीक्षा से 3 महीने पहले बताया कि अब CSAT के नंबर नहीं जुड़ेंगे. इस बार प्री नहीं निकाल पाया. CSAT में ज्यादा मेहनत की, वही हट गया. तकनीकी रूप से उसे 3 मौके मिले लेकिन एक भी साबुत नहीं. हर बार परीक्षा से 3-4 महीने पहले का बदलाव असहनीय था. कुछ लोग विगत वर्षों से मांगकर रहे हैं कि CSAT होना चाहिए, कुछ का कहना है कि नहीं होना चाहिए. लेकिन एक बहुत बड़ा वर्ग उसके जैसों का भी है. जो कहते हैं कि आप सरकार हैं, आपकी परीक्षा है, कुछ भी पूछिए. लेकिन पढने का समय तो दीजिये. IES के पाठ्यक्रम में बदलाव हुआ और उन्होंने डेढ़ साल पहले बता दिया. हमको क्यों 3-4 महीने पहले बताया जाता है? वो भी तब जबकि पूरा देश जानता है कि लोग सालों पहले से इसके लिए तैयारी शुरू कर देते हैं. उसके जैसों को आपके पाठ्यक्रम में बदलाव से कोई समस्या नहीं है. न होगी. बस पढने का समय दे दिया होता. ये वो लड़ाई हारा जिसमें उसे लड़ने का समय ही नहीं दिया गया. अपनी अपनी ठीक-ठाक नौकरी छोड़कर बेरोजगार भटक रहा है. पिछले दो साल से UPSC के छात्र अपनी मांग उठा रहे हैं, सुनने वालों ने गलत सुना, और वो मांग भी पूरी कर दी जो नहीं मांगी. लेकिन जो मूल मुद्दा था वो तो सुना ही नहीं. अब सबका मुंह भी बंद करा दिया ये बोलकर कि “भाग जाओ, कुछ लोगों को 2 साल अतिरिक्त दिए थे, तुममें काबिलियत ही नहीं है, हारे हुए हो तुम”.

हर साल 8-10 लाख लोग परीक्षा देते हैं, पाठ्यक्रम कुछ भी हो, कुछ लोग तो निकल ही आयेंगे. जो भी हो, लेकिन वो खुद को हारा हुआ नहीं मानता. आपने लड़ने का मौका कब दिया उसे? भविष्य से खिलवाड़ किया उसके और उस जैसे हजारों के साथ. लेकिन हार नहीं मानी है, आज भी ट्यूशन पढ़ाने जाएगा, आने के बाद आज भी किसी सड़क पर नारे लगाते हुए भटकेंगे वो लोग. पिछले एक साल से भटक रहे हैं. कभी 10 जनपथ, कभी 11 अशोक रोड और कभी जंतर-मंतर. आज शायद मुखर्जी नगर में धरना देंगे. मैं जानता हूँ कि, वो भटक रहा हैं लेकिन “भटका हुआ” कभी नहीं बनेगा. ये जानते हुए भी कि जैसे ही वो “भटका हुआ” बनेंगा उसको भी देखकर “लुटियन की दिल्ली” जय कन्हैया लाल की बोलकर गले लगा लेगी और आप भी तब पूरे ध्यान से उसकी बात सुनेंगे.

उसने फैसला कर लिया है, वो कन्हैया नहीं बनेगा, क्योंकि वो स्वाभिमानी है. वो अपने अपने गरीब होने का फायदा उठा कर दूसरों की कमाई पर पलना नहीं चाहता. वो चाहता है कि वो अपनी मेहनत से कमाकर खुद को और अपने जैसों को गरीबी से बाहर निकाले. उसको फासीवाद या अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता की चिंता नहीं है, उसको चिंता है अपने गाँव में नहीं पहुची सड़क की. और उसके लिए वो किसी सरकार को दोष नहीं देता, वो खुद कुछ करने की सोचता है. लेकिन आपको उसकी आवाज नहीं सुनाई देगी, उसका दर्द नहीं दिखेगा, उसके मां-बाप की गरीबी नहीं दिखेगी, आप अपनी टीवी की स्क्रीन काली नहीं करेंगे क्योंकि वो देश तोड़ने की बात नहीं करता, गरीबी का बंधन तोड़ना चाहता है, क्योंकि वो कश्मीर की आज़ादी नहीं चाहता, वो अपने गाँव के दलितों की दलितपने से आज़ादी चाहता है, क्योंकि वो गरीब मां-बाप को उनके हाल पर छोड़ सरकारी पैसों पर किसी विश्वविद्यालय में ऐयाशी नहीं कर रहा बल्कि अपनी जिम्मेदारियों का बोझ उठाते हुए कन्हैयाओं के लिए भारत सरकार को टैक्स देता रहा है. क्योंकि वो वन्दे मातरम बोलता है, क्योंकि वो कन्हैया नहीं है.

Open letter to Kanhaiya Kumar of JNU for his speech blaming it all on Modi

Dear Kanhaiya,

I am a very simple common student who doesn’t enjoy political support of any chief minister or big journalists. If I speak something, they will not show live on TV, which is why I am using this platform to tell you something.

You say that you want to attain aazaadi from bhukhmari, garibi, jaatiwad, and all. Very good, but how are you going to get it by abusing our Prime Minister in a crowd full of your own kind of people? If speeches and abuses gave us aazaadi from those evils, we’d have been a superpower by now!

Did you really want a way to get aazaadi from those things or just a chance or a platform to abuse the Prime Minister? You have to decide who is your biggest enemy? Above mentioned things or the PM of this country? By the way you have all the aazaadi to abuse the PM, now concentrate on other issues.

Let us come to your speech. Many people are poor in this country. My grandfather was a farmer. To get aazaadi from poverty, my father got admitted to a government school. He then chose to be with books in a closed room rather than being with slogan shouters on roads.

My father had to stay away from his parents and faced a lot of difficulties, but he chose to study anyhow, and to got a government job at satisfactory post. That’s how he got aazaadi from bhukhmari and gareebi.

It is very easy to put your blame on others for your failure. Let me ask you if Baba Ambedkar would had thought and would had relied on government to end his poverty would he had got? If Dhirubhai Ambani had relied on govt to do something would he had been able to do? If many young entrepreneurs would had relied on government to build their start up would they had been succeeded today?

Dear Kanhaiya, you are purely busy in doing politics in your speech as the way you said “hum aise sarkar laenge aur badlao laenge” and all.

Dear Kanhaiya, stop playing politics and if you do want to speak about students, then do speak about reservations. If you want to speak, then do speak about educating people the various plans of government and to enlighten them of their benefits. If you do want to speak, do speak on giving no tickets to criminals contesting elections. Just abusing your own Prime Minister won’t let you to go anywhere.

Speaking of our Prime Minister, do you know what phases has he seen in his life? What he had to suffer for the things he never did? If u are a son of poor farmer, then he too is son of a poor chaiwala.

Just for being jailed for 23 days, you have became so frustrated ask our Prime Minister who has suffered for 14 years and was being abused on every channel in India. In your case, you were lucky enough to get some media support but he got none at that time. He has patiently heard all that criticism and has proven himself clean at every stages of his life.

Anyway, at least I know people like you are so heavily nurtured that you’ll never understand whatever I tell you. So before speaking to or commenting on someone, better get your way in right direction and have a correct opinion of that person and try to look at real face of that person not to what people are showing you.

Kanhaiya Kumar is a criminal out on bail, not a hero


If you saw most News channels on the night of March 3rd you would think an Indian soldier has just returned home from War! The truth is far from that, this was no soldier, in fact this wasn’t even a proud Indian. Yeah, he tried to wave the flag to fool his JNU students but this man is a criminal out on bail.

The simple fact is propping him up is a dangerous idea for India. In the short-term he seems like the darling for the media & politicians who hate PM Modi. But think really hard, has your hatred for Modi forced you to stoop to such levels of desperation that you promote a criminal as hero?

People now see through this agenda of the media. The left parties will make Kanhaiya a Legend. He has an ideology, but it’s not for a strong United India. Civil unrest cannot be manufactured to seek revenge on one man. What is happening to our Country & while I know there are lots of Congress slaves and sell outs, this new low is shocking even for them.

Kanhaiya made some seriously loved political statements in that speech. Wasn’t he told by the High court to refrain from doing exactly that? How did he know who said what in Parliament & Twitter when he was locked up?

This isn’t as straight as it seems, this man has the backing and funding of politicians, media and all those who see him as a means to get back on Modi. To bring him down. They will do all it takes, back anybody needed to Achieve that goal. There is some serious thinking our media need to do. You cannot be on the constant look out for characters who are insulting Modi, and you must realize what your duties towards this country are.

Except for Arnab nobody is focusing on the Ishrat Coverup. In fact, they are using Kanhaiya to divert attention from that case. I’m sorry, but I don’t care what a Students Union president is being made to say when National security was compromised to eliminate my current PM! This is now beyond funny, the scale of the cover up is worrying and in any civilized country this would make headlines and the case be reopened.

Kanhaiya was released on bail and told by the HC to behave himself and not make political speeches, and what does he do? Attack the PM and the BJP on the first day itself, contempt of court anybody? Also, when he shouts out that only 31% voted for Modi, and 69% did not, is he that dumb not to realize that in a country of 125 Crore Indians and Thousands of political parties, 31% and majority in parliament is a ground breaking victory? How he got top Congress lawyers to defend him if he is such a ‘poor’ boy is another mystery.

My point is let’s get real. We must encourage campus politics, but not law being broken. We must encourage debate, but not insults to India’s voters. We must encourage Free speech but not sedition. And for god sake, the media who hate Modi must realize we Indians are no fools, we see through their sinister agenda and cannot stand it.

Jai Hind.

Can the Right-Wing ignore Mr. Kejriwal until he self-destructs?


How did Mr. Modi become PM Of India? Yes he did do some very good work in Gujarat but I can name other States and their respective CM’s who have done equally good job and do not command half as much respect as Mr. Modi does. Was it due to the twelve years when he was constantly abused, slandered and hated by his opponents? Probably yes. In spite of knowing this so many of Modi Fans and Right-Wing Supporters never learn their lessons.

kanchan dada advise

Above mentioned tweets by Mr. Gupta show exactly the problem that is prevalent in the right-wing group.  I have seen right-wing twitter handles who gleefully help Anti-Modi and Anti-RightWing hashtags trend on twitter. The dumber part is they try to support their point of view when the Twitter Hashtag was trended to oppose their viewpoint.

Hatred and Frustrations have become their obsession of sort. And this inherent hate is not limited to Mr. Kejriwal alone. They virtually go after everyone who has a differing opinion, even their own who sometimes do not agree with their point of views. Their blind hatred has resurrected quite a few dying careers. All the opponents needs to do is criticize Mr. Modi and his Policies. That’s it. Right Wing Supporters go after them and these jobless journos and actors become stars overnight.

I know quite a few journalists and actors whose career were resurrected after getting slander from right-wing groups who otherwise would be a bunch of nobody’s. So many years trolling on Twitter and Facebook and they are yet to learn that a few media personalities would never change no matter how many Open Letters you write to them. They still think they are destroying their opponents. When the fact of the matter is they are dancing to the tune of their so called opponents.

Coming back to Mr. Kejriwal, he is quite possibly the biggest bluff out there in India. Of the World Leaders I know of only Mr. Trump bluffs better then Mr. Kejriwal. And we can all see how hatred for Mr. Trump  has set him in prime position to be the next President of USA.

Mr. Kejriwal similarly thrives on negative publicity. He is the master of propaganda and appeals to the general public of Delhi who are more Socialist and Idealist rather then Realist. In Western India he may never command such respect cause citizens are Realist and driven by Capitalism. But there are many Metropolitan Cities and Urban Class in them whose Idea Of India revolves around Secularism and Social Equality for all. Mr. Kejriwal’s target audience is those Usefools besides voters of Delhi and Northern India where he has a considerable presence.

What’s more astounding is the ability of Mr. Kejriwal to turn his negatives like Perennial Whining, Bad Health, Victimhood Mentality and Conspiracy Theories into Sympathy Votes. He did it brilliantly in Delhi Elections. His positive is that he won’t be fazed by Negative Criticism heaped on him. He loves being the Center of everyone’s attention. He cannot live without catching eye of public. And in spite of knowing this fully well his detractors from Right-Wing cannot leave him be out of the hatred they have cultivated for him.

His other shortcomings like Unrealistic Targets, Megalomania, Showboating and Political Slandering would eventually bring his downfall. But until that time it would be prudent for his detractors to let him dig his own Political Grave.

The question now remains is: Can the Right-Wing ignore Mr. Kejriwal until he self-destructs? Or are they going to make the same mistakes that the Previous Government and their Loyalists did when they went after Mr. Modi.

Stop The Circus – Revolutions are not always the answer


Don’t Fix what ain’t Broke. A good philosophy most times.

The image of this small Syrian baby washed ashore, jolted the soul of the entire world. Yet we missed the ‘Big Warning’ this small dead boy carried.

Will let you in on a soldiering secret. About what is on the mind of soldiers when they are going into the battle. ‘It cannot happen to me’. That is the mindset of most soldiers. That the foot on the landmine cannot be mine. That the bullet doesn’t have my name on it.  India, today is driven by the same thought. ‘It cannot happen to us’. The babies that are dying cannot be ours. Massacres of Syria are not us. Sunni killing Shia is not us. Hindus cannot kill Hindus. Coups of Pakistan are not us. The ISIS animals are another world.

And yet, the Jat agitation that started as a benign sit-in, engulfed us into riots, mayhem, loot, rape. It could have been a calamity, if water to Delhi was cut. What it could have spiraled into, may not have registered on many. Because, it cannot happen to us.

Yet! It was there, breathing in your face. Don’t miss the warning! The animal kingdom is not too far away. It sits very close. It sits within us. We have the same instincts. Similar survival skills. Same destruction traits. Did you see a glimpse of Syria in Rohtak?

Point is this. We are a billion people. All with a voice. All with something to say. Of late, we have a hyperactive media and now… mobiles.  Social media. Suddenly, all the billion voices are there. All loud. All together. All divergent. All convinced that they are the right voice. NONE willing to cede an inch. However the world is at a particularly tricky juncture. Islam is in turmoil. In a different way in India as well. But I don’t think it is only Islam that I hear. So, what are these voices? What is it that we hear? Well, what we hear now is not just the desperate Muslim calls to maintain status quo. The voices that we hear are of Inequality. Of  social divide. Of Haves and Have-Nots. Of our singular evil legacy, the ‘castes’.

What we hear sir, is the knock of Revolution…at our doors. Its been there before but this time, the knock is more shrill, more agitated. Perception of injustice, suppression and denial is huge. A perfect seed for the Idea. The idea of equitable redistribution of resources and wealth. The Idea of Socialism. Under different names and often with ulterior motives, this idea has always been used and abused in the past. And always without fail this Idea was corrupted once the distribution was done and new leaders fell to the greed of their new-found wealth.  Creating Bourgeois out of Proletarians. Redistribution of wealth will always have takers because the idea itself is a very romantic one. It has always existed because historically the distribution has never been equitable and Man’s greed always keeps the Idea going.

All in all, we have been served a heady cocktail of perceived Islamic suppression, a caste divide that splits us right in the middle and extremely restive Have-Nots that are very willing to snatch it if it is not given otherwise. Unfortunately though, those who romanticize with the idea of social revolutions are not aware of how a Revolution unfolds. It comes at a cost. A massive cost of destruction and suffering. If memory fails us on history of Leningrad, the Arab spring hopefully should be fresh. Suffice to say, the process will be vicious, fierce and laden with blood. The quelling will start with the police. The counter will come from the naxals, ranks will be joined by the outlaws, the armies will be called out, Armies themselves will change character and loyalty. All that we find reprehensible today will be witnessed in extremes. Bloodshed, rape, plunder, loot, everything. We will have to reach the middle ages before we settle. If you are tempted to say ‘it cannot happen to us’. Look around again. Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Serbia, Czechoslovakia, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen. Also a name will come to your mind – USSR, the powerful sovereign, where fathers had to sell daughters for a loaf of bread… and for the sake of a trailer – Haryana.

Yes Sir! It can happen to us.

Question is – Do we need a Revolution ?

Revolutions happen. From time to time. Usually the society has an instinct of when that time has come. Instincts that tell you when the Evil King is to be overthrown. Instincts that tell you when free people are turning slaves. Unfortunately this time loud voices from hyperactive media and extremely opinionated social media are drowning good sense, reason and instinct. These are voices that confuse. Voices that create unrest. Makes one wonder. Are we there yet? Are we in need of a Revolution? I believe that Theory of Relativity is more applicable in everyday life than in physics. It gives us a good sense on where we were and where we are. Where we are and where we could be. And my take is, that this Revolution is premature and uncalled for. That we will lose more. At least for the pawns that are being put up for slaughter. In our diversity we are delicate. We are not as strong as we perceive. We are an embodiment of great  discontent and anger. We can shatter into pieces quickly. The freedom and prosperity that we have today is something that common people have never had in this subcontinent. Lets savor it. Lets safeguard it. Perhaps a good thing for us will be to collectively ‘SHUTUP’, to do our jobs, to read our books. Now, is not a good time. What you perceive as wrong is nowhere compared to the hell we may be turning our world into. Lets not invite Jihadi Johns to our land. Let not those be our babies.

Lets not fix what is not broke. Stop the circus before it’s too late.