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Tanmay Bhatt episode: Selective Outrage and Glorification of the Offender


Since the renaissance, societies across the world have been progressive on many fronts like culture, religion, social customs etc. Many concepts are considered progressive and progressiveness is considered good. Once such concept is Individualism. Societies are now increasingly becoming individualistic. Individual freedom is of utmost importance. Like everything, individualism also has pros and cons. But right now, I am not going into those details.

One offshoot of individualism is personal freedom. Freedom to choose what you think is good for you. This kind of freedom starts with legal age to drink alcohol, eat tobacco, to marry etc. There is a notion that after certain age, humans develop certain kind of intelligence, certain physical features so he/she is capable of thinking and doing what is good for him/her. It is all together different debate about the validity of this notion.

Another such concept is freedom of expression/speech and right to offend. In good old days, kids were taught to respect elders. Now they are taught such concepts like right to offend. Personally, I believe there should be FoE/FoS and right to offend. Conceptually, there is nothing inherently bad about it. But as with every other good provisions, people misuse it to spread venom in society and get away with it.

Let me come to some specifics. Recently in India, a comedian named Tanmay Bhat made a short video using Snapchat and insulted two icons: Sachin Tendulkar and Lata Mangeshkar. An uproar followed soon after on social and electronic media from both sides. Those who opposes Tanmay are mostly from the so called right wing parties with orthodox mindset. And those who oppose Tanmay-basher are mostly with so called liberal mindset and progressive values.

I am of the opinion that anybody should be allowed to rant whatever he/she wants. I do believe in FoE/FoS. But still I don’t want to identify myself with people who have ‘liberal’ mindset for two reasons:

First, they recall such freedoms selectively. Few months ago, a person named Kamlesh Tiwari expressed his views on Prophet Mohammed. Those views have offended Muslim community. There was a large scale violent protest against Kamlesh Tiwari. The community wants to hang Kamlesh Tiwari for such a ‘crime’. Kamlesh Tiwari was arrested and now is in jail for hate speech. From that time till now, not a single ‘liberal’ has said anything in favor of him or his freedom of speech. The same liberals who are now defending Tanmay (Tanmay has made very derogatory remarks on Ganeshji in the past) have not spoken a single word in favor of Kamlesh Tiwari’s right to free speech.

Second, they glorify the person who was exercising free speech right to abuse others. Legally, the person has every right to express his/her views. But when you abuse these rights to mock someone, it is not acceptable socially or morally. Using profanity and derogatory remarks for others regardless of their ability, political affinity or ideology are not good things.

In an article defending Tanmay Bhat’s act, they have written All India Bakc***. Surely, they can spell the whole word instead of putting ‘*’. There would be nothing illegal in that, but still they refrain from doing so. Because even they realize that there should be some decency. Whatever you can do legally does not mean what you are doing is acceptable.

No, I will not file an FIR or campaign to ban the video, but definitely people like Tanmay are not my heroes. I register my protest against such act.

When a “joke” by Shashi Tharoor mocking Modi government backfired on Twitter


On Saturday, a five-hour long jamboree was organized at India Gate in New Delhi to mark 2 years of the NDA Government. A star studded celebration with people from all backgrounds being part of it. DD news was the sole broadcaster of  the event. For the first time channel and their anchors, after decade of oblivion were all over the news. And if reports are true, the sarkari channel earned a huge revenue  from this .

Everything looked perfect with this celebration and it is understandable that opposition leaders must have felt bad being left out like a makhhi from milk. One of them was Former Cabinet Minister Shashi Tharoor, who came up with a jibe through a poster:

Tharoor tweet
Tharoor tried to mock the celebrations by hinting that the government had been a failure on inflation, made worse by taking away gas subsidy.

Perhaps Tharoor thought that he had made a very funny comment, but he forgot he was on Twitter, where funnier and smarter people comment. Here is that magic moment when Shashi Tharoor the troller got trolled 👌

Tharoor trolled
Ouch! That must have hurt.

Smart Trolling is an art very few possess, especially when it comes to writing within a limit of 140 characters to impress and influence. Tharoor might be able to write books, but tweets are not his cup of tea.

Just in case you are wondering what the above reply by The Lying Lama mean, it refers to the suspected murder of Shashi Tharoor’s third wife Sunanda Pushkar. Tharoor has been questioned in this case. Earlier too, Tharoor was trolled on the same issue when he tweeted this:

Tharoor and GoT
Game of Tharoor?
Tharoor and GoT
This is the comparison Tharoor thought was in his favour

But little did he know that the character he was compared with had killed his own wife! 👇

Coming back to his original tweets supposedly “exposing” Modi government’s claims, he got yet another smart reply:

Tharoor trolled
Whose fault is this Mr. Tharoor?

And some fact check on his claims, which Tharoor must have hated:

Tharoor lies
Daal selling at Rs. 200? Really Mr Tharoor?

Next thing Tharoor had claimed was about the gas subsidy, giving it which was supposed to be hurting the middle class. First of all the subsidy is not snatched away from the middle class, but only those with 10 lakh + per annum salary are supposed to “give it up”.

But what is worrying is that this giving up of subsidy is being maligned by Congress supporters and leaders:

Congress likes freebies
Congress voters are free riders not willing to help the economy?

It is clear that Congress leaders like Tharoor and party supporters don’t want to be a party to developed India. Congress supporters and left wing, which is hanging on to its freebies subsidies, don’t wish to move their ass to work just like their favorite Lenin who had said “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them”.

It is high time Indians see these people who want to strangulate the development and live off hard work done by others. The nation is changing, but these guys are not changing.

A balanced take on the legacy of Jawaharlal Nehru

Nehru cartoon
What and whom did he really stand for?

A spate of articles extolling the virtues of Nehru and castigating those criticizing him have appeared in the past few days. On the other hand, social media is flooded with posts deriding him and trashing his legacy. My take on the issue is that his contributions can’t be denied. Unlike his great grandson, he put advantage of birth in a leading political family to good use, working with intelligence and a vision. But the reasons behind questions being raised about him now are-

1. Dynastic rule with sycophantic followers resulted in his deification. So his greatness was tom-tommed at the expense of ignoring or even downplaying the contributions of other, equally great men. It also resulted in any narrative of his contributions and legacy being completely subjective, without scope for any criticism of shortcomings that can’t but accompany anyone’s strengths.

2. Systemic repetition of this sanitized narrative of greatness in curricula and government communications resulted in it being implanted in the minds of successive generations.

3. Now, when there is an attempt to balance the scorecard by talking about the contributions of others, and also daring to attempt a critical evaluation of Nehru’s tenure as Prime Minister to mention shortcomings, it appears blasphemous to those conditioned to the sanitized, deified image of Nehru.

As a result, people at either ends of the ideological spectrum are taking extreme stances. So, depending on which side you are, Nehru was the cause of all that ails India today or a messiah above criticism. A dispassionate look, however, reveals that he was undoubtedly a tall leader of his generation.

He had a definite vision for the country, and while his intentions can’t be faulted, a lot of his decisions were ill judged or ill timed. Also, there is no denying that there was no leadership vacuum at the time he took centrestage. There were quite a few of equivalent stature and competence who, given an opportunity, would have done an equal or better job. And quite a few of them did contribute immensely in their own capacity. The critical role played by Sardar Patel in unifying the country, and Lal Bahadur Shastri’s performance during his short tenure as PM, including his handling of the 1965 war, are just two examples.

To be true to our history, and for future generations to be able to derive the right lessons from it, it is important to acknowledge the others and give them their rightful place in its pages. Alongside, it is also important to be cognizant of Nehru’s shortcomings and failures, without either taking away from or overly exaggerating his greatness. Thus people at either ends of the argument need to adjust and accommodate, moving towards a more realistic understanding.

Anti-corruption to Anti-Modi – the evolution of Arvind Kejriwal

Arvind Kejriwal became a popular figure after he was seen alongside Anna Hazare in massive rallies to bring in Jan Lokpal or Citizen’s Ombudsman Bill where in all the corruption cases were to be handled by independent body comprising social activists.

Even though Anna was never in favor of starting a political party, Kejriwal started AAP with declared intention of fighting corruption and mainly Congress and Sheila Dikshit in Delhi.

When AAP was formed, I bet many middle class educated Indians who made more than half of India, had positive vibes about the party. The country was fed up with UPA and it scams. It needed a face that can address issues like corruption, price rise, and governance. It needed a mouthpiece that will speak for entire India and rightly so.

An IIT graduate who  fought against corruption with Gandhian Anna was a hope for country’s future. India saw a rise in new brand of politics. It won 28 of 70 seats in Delhi elections in 2013. With hung assembly, it was a major question for Kejriwal to show his credibility. But against all odds and expectations of Aam Aadmis in our country, he formed a minority government with the same Congress whose wrongdoings were used by him to enter politics.

At last, it was proved that ‘politics is scoundrels’ last resort’. But due to Congress and opposition BJP not supporting Jan Lokpal, AAP government fell after 49 days in power.

In 2014 LS elections this anti-corruption crusader fell prey to the Modi wave that was evident throughout the country. The country was fed up with 10 years of UPA so that it needed a new face for India. With already proved good governance in Gujarat, India saw dynamic leader Narendra Modi as a person who can change fortunes.

With all middle class educated people and the youth population riding the charismatic Modi wave, it was the sight difficult to digest for Kejriwal. His target was set to Modi. This was just the beginning. He lost Varanasi to Modi by a margin of 3.37 lakhs votes.

But by then, the Modi Obsession of Kejriwal had started. He anyway didn’t have any portfolio to work for apart from blaming Modi.

Person who had started his political career against Congress and corruption easily shifted his attention towards Modi. After all, Modi is a personification of Aam Aadmi who from selling tea became top leader in the largest democracy. This threatened his common man to CM story.

When CBI raided Kejriwal’s principal secretary on corruption claims, he targeted Modi on Twitter calling him a coward and a psychopath. It was the same Kejriwal who had welcomed the abolishing of ‘single directive system’, which made it mandatory for the CBI to seek prior approval of the government before investigating any official at the level of joint secretary and above, but now he wanted CBI to take his permission before raiding his secretary.

When Sonia Gandhi’s name came up in Italian courts in relation to AugustaWestland chopper scam, rather than speaking against the Congress president, he alleged both BJP and Congress are two faces of the same coin. He further diluted focus on Congress corruption by raising issue of Modi’s educational degrees.

He and his AAP army with lieutenant ex-journalist Ashutosh claimed that Modi’s BA degree from Delhi University and MA from Gujarat university didn’t exist. Later when BJP released all marks-sheets of PM and DU confirmed they were valid, they started making stupid claims. They lost it completely when Ashutosh asked examination centre of PM! I mean seriously?!

Recently when Modi launched e-rickshaw and e-boats in Varanasi, Kejriwal asked on Twitter whether it was advertisement for Reliance and Ola for the stickers of both the companies appearing in the pic where Modi was riding an e-rickshaw. Later he got trashed by everyone on Twitter.

At a time when Congress is dying day by day and only regional parties are able to challenge BJP, Kejriwal might be having political aspirations and no one says that’s wrong. But rather than targeting Modi for silly non-existent issues and posting movie reviews on Twitter, Delhi CM should indulge in constructive criticism of the central government.

Since he is not doing that, it means for him goal post has shifted. Corruption is not an issue for him anymore. If he doesn’t shift his mentality and perceptions of looking at things, Arvind Kejriwal will be seen as Rahul Gandhi 2.0 in making and we all know how this magician called RaGa makes wonders.

Opportunism’s new name – Aam Aadmi Party


What is opportunism? The Wikipedia definition is “the conscious policy and practice of taking advantage of circumstances – with little regard for principles, or with what the consequences are for others. Opportunist actions are expedient actions guided primarily by self-interested motives.”

Lets rewind back to 2010 : A nation in chaos. The UPA govt has been in power for a considerable amount of time and whatever minuscule good it had done for the country was overshadowed or marred by 2G, CWG, Adarsh to just name a few scams. Corruption by Congress was what majority of the people were speaking about, whether it was on blogs or in cafes.

In comes some familiar names against anti corruption; Anna Hazare teamed up along with a well known Kiran Bedi and a not-so-popular Arvind Kejriwal forming a group called “India against Corruption” or IAC. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Their campaign/dharna to activate a ‘Lokpal’, which was supposed to be a miracle cure to end corruption, gained momentum and all over India it was ‘Anna fever’ all over India, who was even being compared to Mahatma Gandhi. Some called him deserving enough to be the next Prime Minister!

The Congress govt took cognizance of the movement gaining strength and a panel of their ministers were sent to negotiate with Anna Hazare. Facebook and Twitter were abuzz with how this miracle Lokpal had cleaned out corruption in Singapore etc. Many of these supporters never really understood what Anna had in mind or what his bill actually meant simply because they were angry with Congress, and IAC had picked up a right topic adhering to the public mood.

Arundhati Roy came out in the open stating the Bill was draconian and it lacked sense. Arundhati Roy and her opinion was dismissed thanks to her own views in the past and her leftist leanings. Time passed by, the media lost interest and the hitherto unknown member of IAC, Arvind Kejriwal declared he would be contesting elections and cleaning the system from the ‘inside’ as that the only option left. He gave long talks about how his members would work on half salary, decline usual privileges and so on.

His declarations were met with mixed response. While some hailed it, many saw through this trick, and the cynical ones sighed. When some smarter ones dug through, the truth was slowly unearthed about who Arvind Kejriwal was, who his core members consisted of, the extent to which activists go, their funding, their shady activities and their anti-development agenda in general.

The menace caused by activists and their NGOs via anarchy were unknown to many. The damage these NGOs and activists can inflict thanks to vested interests was not obvious to many who just go by their noble and catchy slogans. The party was formed. The IAC movement, Lokpal draft and Anna Hazare was soon forgotten.

Anna threatened with fast unto death and relented later giving some weak reasons which was met with ridicule and more skepticism. As of 2016, the Twitterati – and almost every AAP supporter – simply mocks his statements or actions in sharp contrast to the praise and honor that he received when he started the movement.

AAP – the party that was born out of a strong movement to combat corruption – is a monument of mockery today. Its own members face charges of corruption. Arvind Kejriwal, who was projected as a ray of hope is today reduced to tweeting about Narendra Modi day and night and getting mocked. His promises about working for half salary and denying privileges stand exposed. Forgotten are his responsibilities about fighting against corruption and jailing the corrupt. He stands exposed today as an opportunist who will go to any lengths to fulfill his lust for power.

Cut to 2016:

The NDA govt had promised to implement OROP (One Rank One Pension) to all soldiers, which had been in the works for a while. When the announcement to implement OROP was made, AAP smelt blood and started the usual practice of opposing it under the garb of protecting veterans. Their official website claimed the Modi Govt had cheated Ex-servicemen and urged the veterans to strike and create ruckus. While the truth was – millions benefited greatly from  OROP, and some veterans have requested unreasonable demands likes ones listed below:

Facts about OROP (source : The Hindu).

While the usual Congress’ opinion and their reservations were of no relevance considering they did nothing while they were in power, the AAP friendly media was quick to pounce and highlight AAP’s theatrics and their new found love for veterans.

Prominently displayed in the forefront of the agitations was one Retd Maj Gen Satbir Singh. For over 100 days the war veteran Major Gen Satbir Singh had been heading the protest at Jantar Mantar. The media and AAP were eager to cover his meetings.

politics over OROP?
Was this the endgame?

Today a image of an article stating Maj Gen Satbir Singh will be contesting the elections has been doing the rounds. So whatever happened to his ‘justice for veterans’?

It will be interesting to see with whom Maj Gen Satbir Singh will forming an alliance, the last line suggests it could be Aam Aadmi Party, or even Congress! This is what AAP was supporting while opposing OROP?

Now time will tell us which new party will be hurled at the public led by someone who has kept his own political ambition in the forefront and ignored veterans under the name of ‘justice for veterans’.

It seems that the politics of opportunism as practiced and perfected by Arvind Kejriwal and Aam Aadmi Party is now being repeated by others. Perhaps this was the ‘new politics’ Kejriwal and AAP had promised?

Addressing NPA problem of Indian Banks – right approach by Modi Government


Root of the NPA problem in Indian Banks is post 2009 – when World was doing QE to stave off 2008 recession and India was not in any kind of need for a QE (since GDP growth had lowered down but there was no recession in India) – Congress still did QE in India on pretence of World doing QE – and gave massive loans to crony businessmen close to Congress – just see the list of who’s who – Mallya, Jindals, Jaypee, Ruias of Essar etc – when global Trade had tanked, where would this money go? To create capacities for which there was no end demand? Or to be siphoned off by these Crony capitalists? Congress also delayed recognizing these bad loans till it was in power.

With coming of Modi – he gave a free hand to Raghuram Rajan (R3) – who told Banks – do whatever it takes to recover this money – and first of all, recognize all such bad loans. Result – Debt for Equity swaps, selling of assets, Wilful Defaulter tag, Name & Shame defaulters and recognition of NPA’s with concurrent huge losses of Banks.

Clearly, nationalization of Banks by Indira Gandhi was a colossal mistake. PSU Banks are prone to arm twisting by Ministers, their Management is for short-term and hence is disinterested in long-term health of the Bank, most often Chairman position of PSU Banks is bought by corrupt Bankers and hence their foremost interest is to earn while on the job, our Judicial system being stuck in backlog of cases and prone to misuse – even good Acts like Sarfaesi & DRT’s are not working. The new Bankruptcy Act is a welcome step and amendments to Sarfaesi & DRT Acts in next session of Parliament will aid recoveries.

Crux of the problem also lies in the fact that Project Funding as the term goes is not feasible in India, due to Judiciary being in permanent Coma. Project Funding abroad means Banks take project risk (Primary Collateral being Charge on cash flows and Charge on fixed & variable assets being created). But in India, since project risk is traditionally sky high (because Judiciary is unreliable), Banks interpret Project Funding to mean inclusion of Personal Guarantees, Corporate Guarantees, Charge on personal assets of Promoters etc.

NPA problem of Indian Banks
NPA problem of Indian Banks

While this is understandable, but look at history of Banks trying to enforce such Guarantees and charge on assets to recover bad loans – Loopholes in Judicial process and delays are exploited to the hilt by Promoters who have loads of money siphoned off from the Loans to their company!

Reality is – Promoter overstates value of assets to create a bigger project – so that when Loan comes in, he siphons off this loan and re-routes this as equity. In reality – Promoters takes off his initial equity completely and the entire project is, in fact, funded by Bank loan. This is the dark truth! When project goes bad, what can Bank do? Sell off those assets or try to run the company? Both prove a failure. And NPA’s result.

Resolution to the problem – as currently happening – recognize all such bad loans to get the extent of the problem. Get Bankruptcy Act, amendments to Sarfaesi & DRT Acts in place (which will happen soon), then since de-nationalization of PSU Banks is not possible (lack of BJP majority in Rajya Sabha), first merge Banks to reduce their number from 27 to a decent 6. Then offload stakes in these 6 big Banks by keeping Government stake at 51%. Simultaneously, force Promoters to offload their assets and pay back the Banks.

Lastly, when BJP gets enough numbers in Rajya Sabha, exit from these 4 Banks completely and only keep SBI type Bank for social projects of Government like Rural branches/ Farmer lending. This, in my view, is the reasonable way ahead.

Good articles to read on this issue:

How the so-called secular-liberals abuse women on social media and get away with it


Recently we have seen new energized outbursts against social media specifically by the one who are getting exposed by it and some of those getting genuine threats.

During an interview one journalist asked Finance Minister to stop trolling and do something about it. Though It was a stupid question and the minister could have told the journalist to not waste his time, the response by Mr Arun Jaitley was very polite, precise, and apt – “Ignore or Digest it”.

And the journalist was left speechless.

The truth is – these journalists are not worried about “trolling”, but democratization of narrative that social media has enabled.

This bothers a certain privileged class who had full control on the narrative through the mainstream media. Their kingdoms of TV and newspaper are threatened by the new colonies of Twitter and Facebook. This class addicted to control the news on their whim and fancy are the one bothered most by this revolution of information dissemination.

This class, high on their flattering English vocabulary and nightlife, feels repulsed when they face Bharat of small cities with their cultural values and respect for the nation intact. May be it is guilt or shame, but something does strike them like a bullet, and they do their best to overpower them. And on the constant target of this class is the Dharmic right wing, whom they want to paint as root of all evils.

One of the most frequent spat we see on Twitter is between journalists of NDTV and the right-wing. NDTV is known for its notorious news and false reporting and it keeps getting exposed with regular Twitter, which is why it hates the social media the most.

But why does social media hate NDTV? Let’s have a brief analysis of what special NDTV does to attract it?

In this tweet, an AAP supporter is seen passing extreme vulgar statements, but instead of condemning that, star journalist of NDTV Barkha Dutt ended up supporting her:

Barkha's spin
Spinning narrative to show the abuser as the abused

Another NDTV journalist, who can be better termed as junior Barkha Dutt, felt excited after knowing that PM Narendra Modi (then the Chief Minister of Gujarat) was down with Swine Flu.

Hate of NDTV
Vicious hatred that leads someone to wish someone dead?

There are countless such tweets and examples showing hatred that NDTV has for the right-wing and how they have spun information to malign the Dharmics. In the famous interview with IMF Chief Christine Lagarde, a question was asked if development of India was only for only Hindu males, and it was cheered by Prannoy Roy.

My personal experience with this ugly face of NDTV came up during “March for India” near India Gate last year, where a journalist from NDTV first abused and harassed a 50+ years old lady and then the channel declared everyone in that March as hooligans and abusive people.

Channel’s lies were exposed on Facebook, because even the common man now has his smartphone to record and broadcast the truth:

Recently, NDTV published an article by Priyanka Chaturvedi, spokeswoman of Congresss, where she wrote about how she received abuses and threats on Twitter. NDTV gave a her an open space, but their journalists never saw how social media warriors of Congress issue regular threats and give abuses to people? Some examples:

Congress language
Gaurav Pandhi, a supporter and part of Congress’ social media team

Not only supporters and volunteers of the IT cell of Congress, but even office bearers of Congress have used abusive language and issued threats on Twitter:

Congress language
Aide of Digvijay Singh and a former office bearer of Congress abuses
Congress language
INC leader and close associate of Rahul Gandhi made vulgar comments on HRD minister Smriti Irani

And top of that, there is no guilt or shame for what they do as they repeatedly do that. Recently editor of Faking News shared his experience and the kind of threat he got from these people. Columnist Shefali Vaidya also shared how vulgar and violent abuses she got from Congress supporters online.

These abusive Congress supporters, who are often engaged by NDTV journalists, target the Right-Wing Hindu women who come from middle class or small town background.

And those expecting Smritii Irani to be sympathetic towards Priyanka chaturvedi (though she did speak in her favor) should see how Priyanka downplays abuse of women in her own party:

Congress language
Answering with whataboutery when asked to condemn abuse

Please Priyanka, we request you to come out and say something now. But how will she, when she herself takes part in such discourse:

Congress language
Radhe Maa is no woman? She has no dignity?

Priyanka Chaturvedi’s approach to make it a political issue is due to reason that she herself has been party to such cheap trolling.

Another talked about point is how these “liberals” create a few handles on their own and then abuse posing as Right Wing. You must remember a story our naani maa used to tell us about the boy who used to cry wolves with villagers. Self defined liberals can definitely play the game, but they must understand they have lost the sympathy of masses now we don’t care anymore.

Because Bharat is rising and will fight back. This Bharat won’t be slave to few elites and families who have ruled over India for decades. This Bharat is “Bharat of merit” and “Bharat of Future” and not the one ruled before.

When we talk about Online Trolling, there is a fine line between giving an apt reply and overdoing it. Whether you are a public figure or are limited to your friends, you have the option to block or mute too. You cannot snatch it away from us the right to present our opinion and to expose you, so better get used to it.

Ignore or Digest we are coming after you.

Excess supply in Indian Real Estate – Correct way forward


Real Estate (RE) is indeed in excessive supply. Reports say 6 years of inventories and so on. History to ponder is whenever Congress is in power, it makes huge money from corruption & puts it in RE. Just check entire history – Congress ensures RE goes up & up when it is in power. Also check – whenever BJP is in power, RE sees only nominal rate hikes.

Who puts this hoard of black money in RE? Corrupt Congressmen/ Businessmen aided by the fact that RE companies themselves have huge stakes of Congress politicians. DLF, Emaar MGF, Indiabulls RE is closely linked to Congress as an example. I am personally witness when Haryana Congress Government decided to create Dwarka Expressway, overnight – applications of RE companies for land in that stretch were cleared by Hooda’s in one go – this is just a small example on how much Congress would have made from that one stretch of 18 km land!

The RE model itself as practiced till now – pre-launch projects without even acquiring land fully – use that money to buy land – invest proceeds in tying up further land – leave the project in a limbo (since Buyer agreements fool proofed Builders against anything & everything) – then allot bulk of flats to group of investors – start hiking rates so investors load off these flats to end Buyers. These crony RE Builders ensured rain of black money coming in RE – On other hand, criminal Congress politicians like Chidambaram arm twisted RBI Governors to lower interest rates so that end Buyer would load up debt & demand comes in (No matter inflation burst through the roof for 10 years making life hell for the common man).

Other way of Congress to ensure steady supply of Black money to RE was by giving huge undue benefits to crony capitalists – Naveen Jindals of the world who got Coal mines for a song for example, or the Quantitative Easing (QE) by Pranab Mukherjee & Chidambaram post 2009 which resulted in 10 lakh crore of loans to select Businessmen – all of whom are now top Loan defaulters of PSU Banks – where did most of that money go? – Siphoned off from companies by these promoters and invested in RE! Naturally, RE rates went through the roof!

When Modi came, he spoke to Raghuram Rajan (R3) about lowering interest rates, R3 said till the time black money routes to RE is not closed, it wont result in any good. So, Modi has now passed the RE Bill and all loopholes (in above para) have been closed.

Prices of RE have crashed – But point to note is that they need to come down more! Why? Just see the Rental yields! Residential rental yields are in range of ~2% p.a while Commercial yields are in range of ~5%. They dont even cover inflation! (Global comparison – Rental yields globally are ~10% but then those are different markets).

Why are prices not coming down more inspite of that fact that demand is not coming in & Builders are taking cash loans from black money markets at 24-40% p.a.!? Two reasons – One, Commercial RE is still strong. There is good demand, India is now top FDI incipient country. Second, there is a nexus of Builders – a Lobby – which invested in land, paid off Congress politicians, local bodies for Licences etc, has already invested pre-launch money in new land and has been sustaining the projects at snails pace by borrowing mind-numbing interest rate black money cash loans – they are ensuring rates dont fall any further.

Just go to Golf Course road @ Gurgaon once – drive on that 20 km stretch – you will see huge high rises – Grand projects on both sides – with one thing in common – 90% are vacant – they are Ghost mini cities – but Builders like DLF have tanked up 20,000 cr loan from Banks and Equity from Stock Exchanges – so it has holding power – Builders of likes of DLF can wait endlessly – their investors keep on offloading flats slowly while prices remain high.

My sense is – now that most speculators have crashed to Earth, holding power of Mid-size Builders has waned – other innovations like Affordable Housing has all been tried – Banks no longer have money to lend, end-Buyer is only buying fully built-up properties and not touching under-construction one’s – Black money in system has drained out – and R3 is ensuring interest rates dont come down artificially (since he is CPI targeted) – we will see more price correction in residential segment eventually and big Foreign Construction firms will cherry pick prime projects and finish construction. Sanity will return with implementation of RE Bill and creation of a RE Regulator. But Commercial RE will remain high because end demand is strong.

Good articles to read on this issue:

Why Abrahamic religions are obsessed with the idea of Apocalypse


There is a movie out called X-Men Apocalypse that deals with End Of the World. Before that there was Armageddon, Judgement Day and more recently the character Doomsday in Batman vs Superman. All of them talk of Apocalypse or End Of The World. You would be surprised to know that the Hindi Movie Avatar released in 1983 starring Rajesh Khanna had a Muslim Character played by A. K. Hangal talking about Apocalypse to his son.

Most Non-Abrahamacs would miss it cause it seemed irrelevant. But the point is devout Muslims firmly believe in that Apocalypse. Even those that have their roots in Indus Civilization.

This article tries to make readers aware about Abrahamacs in a little detail and the Idea of Apocalypse. First thing first. Abrahamacs are the son of Abraham the Patriarch Of Monotheism. He was the probably the first one who prevented people from Idol Worship and he is probably the person who fixed the Idea of Monotheism. He had two sons: Ishmael and Isaac. Arabs are said to be offspring’s of first son Ishmael. Jews and Christians are supposed to offspring’s of second son Isaac. So Jews, Christians and Muslims are brothers in a way.

The Idea of Apocalypse or End Times is the thread that binds them together along with Idea of Monotheism. They all believe that their God is the One True God. That could be Yahweh for Jews, Jesus Christ for Christians or Allah for Muslims.  But all these Gods have one thing in common. All these One True Gods want to bring Apocalypse and they ask their believers to believe in it ardently like those Parents who tell their little kids to believe in Tooth Fairies and Santa Claus.

Apocalypse is also called Judgement Day/Armageddon/Doomsday or End Times. All these Three Religions believe that their One True God would come back and bring an end to Earth and its Population. The believers as in Muslims, Jews or Christians would be pardoned and taken to the Abode of God. The dead among the believers would rise and be taken to the Land Of God. Oh Yes!! The silly word RIP (Rest In Peace) is derived from Prophecy of Apocalypse.

In simple words: The One True God cannot come and offer you Salvation just yet so he wants you to lay as corpse buried Six Feet Under the Ground for rest of Eternity until he brings the End Times. When the Apocalypse comes he would come and resurrect you from the Dead and take you to his Kingdom.  In Jewish Prophecy the Kingdom of God would be built in Israel. In Christianity the Kingdom of God is Heaven. Similarly Kingdom of God for Muslims is Jannah.

The long and short of it is: All Three Abrahamacs are built on a fairy-tale Prophecy of End Times and Resurrection of Dead and Restoration of God’s Kingdom. To be fair Hinduism has coming of Kalki/Satya Yuga and Buddhism has coming of Maitreyi. Sikhism also has something related to Iron Age and Kalki. But none of the Indians Religions are hell bent on destroying the World for it. The Abrahamacs on the other hand (even the so-called Atheists) are so looking forward to End Times as if it is some sort of Party to look forward to. As though God is truly going to come and taken them all to Heaven.

ISIS the most blood-thirsty Terrorists Group wholeheartedly believe that they are the Agents who would bring End Times and so do most devout Christians hope that End Times are near and Jesus would return. They would probably go to war and may likely bring Apocalypse. And the funny thing is they call Idol Worship, Belief in Karma and Rebirth, Circle Of Life and Nirvana as stupid.

Why PM Modi would do well by not emulating Prithviraj Chauhan


“Those that fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”  – George Santayana

In run up to 2014 election, when Narendra Modi as PM designate for BJP delivered more than 400 speeches at the hustings. There was a particular speech of his, which was dissected and discussed at length both in the mainstream as well as social media, perhaps even more than the one where he was misconstrued as having made a commitment of getting black money stashed abroad to deposit 15 lakhs in the account of every Indian. It was when he called for Indians to jettison their inferiority complex perpetuated by 900 years of Islamic and British rule.

Indian historians have by and large restricted their criticism to the British Rule. Mughal sultanates mostly escaped the scathing indictment, presumably because of the leftist bias or the compulsions of secular politics, So much so that even cruel Aurangzeb responsible for genocide of estimated 4.6mil Hindus and Sikhs is hailed as a Secular King and Tyrant of Mysore Tipu Sultan is worshiped by Leftists as a patriot.

The clarion call made by Narendra Modi was to sensitize people to learn more about the glorious history of India, predating Islamic and British conquests, something which found only a passing mention in the history books written by our Left Historians. For the solutions to many of our problems may lie in the past, in our very own history.

Looking at the History, one incident may resemble with the current Indian political scenario and therein lies a message for none other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi to stop the history from repeating itself.

Prithviraj Chauhan and two battles of Tarain

Let’s take a peep into the History of India. Towards the end of 12th century, Muhammad Gouri, ruler from West Asia, marched towards India in a bid to expand his empire. First he captured Multan and then moved towards Gujarat where a major defeat was inflicted upon him by Rani Naikidevi.

Then after entering Punjab through Khyber pass the First battle of Tarain was fought where Prithviraj Chauhan’s army overcame Ghurid force with relative ease and captured Gouri alive. In what would be the blunder of the millennium Prithviraj spared the life of Gouri.

While Prithviraj focused on the administration of Delhi and managed skirmishes with other kingdoms in India. Little did he know that wounded enemy was preparing to avenge. Exactly a year later both armies fought the Second battle of Tarain and this time Prithviraj’s reign came to an end. It’s believed that if not for the local support from Raja Jaichand of Kannauj Kingdom,  Gouri would’ve never trounced Prithviraj Chauhan.

That one battle would alter the demographics of this nation forever, nobody could have imagined.

May 2014 – Ascent of Narendra Modi

Cut to 2014, Narendra Modi rode to power with a resounding mandate on the back of his clean image and decisive leadership as Gujarat CM, although his journey to 7RCR was aided by outrage that series of corruption scandals under previous UPA regime generated. One would have expected BJP to go after the culprits with religious zeal, but that was not to be.

Modi made inclusive development and getting the economy back on track, his topmost priority. Thus following up on graft charges against opposition leaders including President of Congress party Sonia Gandhi at least took a back seat, if not abandoned altogether.

Opposition having lost badly in 2014 unleashed its attack against the government and is forging alliances with other forces to come back to power in 2019. If Delhi, Bihar elections and the politically motivated protests in Gujarat, Haryana, Andhra are anything to go by, Congress has gone full throttle to sabotage any progress and is leaving no chance to dent government’s credibility by leveraging its clout over the media and NGOs.

For the past two years, BJP has been mostly on the defensive, saving itself and in some cases even taking the blows for absolutely no fault of theirs (as seen in Dadri incident). It’s evident that BJP will face a formidable opponent in 2019 and victory is anything but certain.

Strategy for 2019?

If BJP wants to retain power beyond 2019, then they must change their strategy from defending to being on the offensive. Government has been presented with enough ammunition to take Congress to the cleaners. Be it creation of fake bogey of Hindu terror by Congress with wrong implication of Col. Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya, humongous scams under UPA regime or Italian Court judgement naming Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh as the recipients of kickbacks in AgustaWestland Chopper Scam. In cricketing sense, BJP has got series of free hits to smash opponents out of the stadium.

Whether they grab the opportunity to decimate the opponents or stop pursuing it after few rounds of debate in Parliament, will influence the course of 2019 elections.

PM Modi would do well to remember the mistake of Prithviraj Chauhan and not emulate him by letting Gandhi’s and other senior congress leaders off the hook.

PS- As in the case of  Prithviraj Chauhan, Prime Minister Modi too has many Jaichands within and outside BJP waiting to facilitate Congress return to power.