Saturday, July 27, 2024
6 Articles by


A former Army officer, now a Learning and Development consultant, Author of 'Delhi Durbar 1911 - The Complete Story', 'Riding the Raisina Tiger', 'Brave Men of War - Tales of Valour 1965', 'In the Line of Fire' and 'Academy - Bonded for Life'. He was also part of the panel  engaged by Ministry of Defence for writing official history of India's participation in First World War. Follow Rohit on Twitter @ragarwal

Aakar Patel, you are wrong on far too many counts

Aakar Patel needs to get his facts right

What’s killing Twitter – feeding the wrong dog

Pritish Nandy had written an article blaming trolls, but people need to look inwards too.

The Great Indian Dream

Education in India needs a relook

A balanced take on the legacy of Jawaharlal Nehru

It is important to be cognizant of Nehru's shortcomings and failures, without either taking away from or overly exaggerating his greatness.

How Defense Ministry is trying to save on the salary expenses to spend on modernization

Defence Minister's objective is to reduce the salary bill of the Ministry and utilize the savings for modernization of the forces.

How much do we know about fundamental rights of armed forces?

There is no rule prohibiting armed forces personnel from expressing their personal political views on social media individually.

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