Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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Manmohan Singh – The accidental reformist and accidental Prime Minister


Manmohan Singh was an accidental reformer. Make no mistake about it. Here is what happened in 1991.

Manmohan was very much in support of government control of business (pre 1991) era under Indira. He called PSUs “rock solid” foundation for Indian economy. Rajiv Gandhi spent stupendous amounts in public disbursements to ensure electoral victory, but he didn’t get majority and supported coalition govt of Chandrashekhar in 1990.

We had already imbibed the “import substitution strategy” from the start of our independence. Anything needed was imported without due thought given to the effect it will have on economy. No serious thought was made to develop indigenous products or skill development. Maybe a wild allegation, but for every import, Gandhis were rumoured to have received kickbacks. That was their main business! License Raj came from that mentality.

We were already a fiscally stressed economy due to the wonderful vision of Congress and their shitty economic policies which Manmohan didn’t seem to mind that much at that time.

Rajiv Gandhi pulled out of Chandrashekhar’s govt as he thought he can win the elections this time. But he was killed by the LTTE before he could fulfill his dream. Chandrashekhar’s finance minister Yashwant Sinha and commerce minister Swamy had prepared a blueprint of bailing out the economy before Rajiv Gandhi pulled out. Swamy was a vocal supporter of liberalization since 70s and found support in Sinha. Sadly, they lost majority support.

We had forex reserves of $3.1 billion in august 1990 and we were left with $975 million in july 1991. That is nearly 2/3 reduction in a year. 67% was eroded in an year! We faced balance of payments problem which means, we couldn’t pay our bills. Fiscal deficit and current account deficit was ridiculously high (10.4% and 3.1% in 1991; 3.9% and 0.1% currently). Our gold was already mortgaged for forex reserves. The skyrocket in prices of oil due to gulf crises brought India on its knees.

We already were suffering due to deterioration in exports to eastern Europe and due to USSR breakup. Remittances and tourism earnings dropped due to geo-political scenario. The rupee was also badly over-evaluated. The minimal FDI we had pulled out due to instability. The exporters were not converting their dollars to rupees as they thought that Indian govt will devalue currency and that way they will get more money. There was no inflow of money and huge external debt in economy! We had money to pay for only 3 weeks of imports and commodities.

The only way out was to get credit from IMF who had their own conditions. They wanted Indian economy to be liberal, privatized (disinvestment) and globalized. Manmohan simply agreed as he knew we are doomed without IMF and will default in three weeks. And so, we opened the economy 🙂 (with tremendous support of PV Narsimha Rao whom congress has forgotten)

The “accidental reformist” went on to become the “accidental prime minister” after 13 years. He led the most brazenly corrupt govt for 10 years and is lucky to still have followers and people who believe in him.

I sincerely hope, history does not treat you kindly unlike your wish to be treated kindly. You had all the brains but no guts to act for this country.

Demonetization – Government is getting away with poor implementation in the absence of credible opposition


On November 8th, 2016 at 8.15 PM when United states was getting ready to elect its new president, India was also making history by transforming our society from cash only society to less-cash society. Even though the underlying cause of demonetization is noble and we desperately needed such move and could have only been expected from PM Modi, the implementation could have been better.

Let me say at the outset that I totally support this move by PM Modi and I hope government will take more such steps in future to make sure the menace of black money and corruption is routed out from our society. There have been numerous articles written by liberals, economists and intellectuals on both sides to explain pros and cons of demonetization, one thing everyone agrees including Nitish Kumar is, its poor implementation.

While we know, the left liberals are used to opposing any good decision this government takes, the questions raised by opposition and others are not entirely wrong. Even though the country is supporting this bold move, the problems they are facing can’t be ignored in the name of only cry by black money hoarders. There are genuine people out there who are raising valid questions and by the way don’t have any black money but their voice is not heard due to the misplaced noise created by opposition. I am a common man and have few questions to be asked of this government;

  1. Why the RBI dint stop circulation of 500 and 1000 rupees notes couple of months before announcing demonetization? They could have just stopped issuing new notes without announcing it.
  2. Why couldn’t new 2000 and 500 rupees notes released in the market couple of months earlier?
  3. Why all the ATM machines couldn’t be re-calibrated and made functional before announcing this move?
  4. How stopping circulation of old notes and launching new notes would have spooked the black money hoarders?

I have been reading articles available online and looking for answers for above questions but not able to find any satisfactory answer. It has been more than 2 weeks since demonetization is announced and queues at ATMs are still very long. Half of the ATMs are closed since 8th of November. There are plenty of ATMs around but less than half are operational leading to long queues.

I am also unable to understand when people are ready to wait outside an ATM for more than an hour just to withdraw 2500/- rupees, why can’t they spend the same amount of time in bank and withdraw 24000/- rupees which will be enough to cover their monthly expanses. Is it an issue with awareness, probably banks should answer?

The country supports our PM as they have full faith in him but people’s trust shouldn’t be tested like this. The only reason current government is able to get away with such poor implementation is absence of credible opposition. PM Modi should thank his luck this time and make sure such inconvenience is not repeated again in future. We need him to lead this country for 8 more years and he should be aware that such adventures can heavily misfire. People will forget the inconvenience in due course of time but if the results of demonetization are not visible then government will have a reason to worry.

Is it true that Arvind Kejriwal raped a girl during his IIT days?


I just could not believe it when I got this message on my whatsapp this morning. It said that Arvind Kejriwal was accused of rape when he was a student of IIT Kharagpur. The message claimed that he was even arrested in 1987:

fake news about Kejriwal
Is it true? Shocking if true.

I was shocked when I read this. I had read about his “Aaloo” affair earlier. A journalist had exposed his illicit relationship with a much younger girl. But I thought it is okay – how does it matter if Arvind Kejriwal is cheating his wife? It is his personal matter.

But now this is too much. This is crime. We cannot allow a criminal to lead us!

People should know the real face of Kejriwal.

I want all of you to share the above news clipping and ask “is this true?”

Is this true that Arvind Kejriwal is a rapist?
Is this true that Kejriwal was arrested for rape?
Is this true that media is not reporting about Kejriwal’s crime?
Or just share the picture and say “Shocking if true”.


But you know what is the truth? The above image is fake. Anyone can generate such newspaper clippings with some websites online these days.

But I am being honest and telling you the truth. I do NOT believe that Arvind Kejriwal is accused of any rape. You should NOT share the above picture as it is fake. You should NOT lie. You should NOT spread rumours. You should NOT defame people.

I am honest to say this. I am sorry for creating this confusion for a minute. I do NOT want to defame Kejriwal.

But when will Kejriwal show the same honesty towards others?

I was so angry when I saw him spreading rumour again and again, including today, and nobody questioning him. No media person saying that a senior leader who came into politics to change politics should practice a politics that is new.

He spread rumour about a man committing suicide in bank due to lack of cash, while truth was that the dead person was a robber. He did NOT delete his tweet or posted any clarification even after the truth was known.

He again spread rumours about SBI giving loan to Adani after people deposited cash during demonetisation drive. Truth was that SBI had in fact denied loan and it was an old news he was sharing as new. He again did NOT delete his tweet or posted any clarification.

Those were blatant lies, but his normal behaviour is to spread rumour by asking “is this true?” or “Shocking if true” and spreading false information. Today morning he has done it twice already.

First he claimed that SBI had reduced rates for people. He used “is this true?” format and shared rumour spread by his party member:

Kejriwal, with help of a Delhi minister of AAP govt, spreading minformation.
Kejriwal, with help of a Delhi minister of AAP govt, spreading minformation.

While the truth was this:

Then he defamed a BJP leader by spreading another unverified information:

The BJP leader clarified (something Kejriwal never does):

I was very angry seeing such kind of politics. “Is this true?” rumour mongering is not a politics India needed. But no senior journalist or intellectual is asking Arvind Kejriwal to stop this.

That is when I created this story about whatsapp message and tried to show the mirror to Arvind Kejriwal.

Just imagine if I was dishonest like Kejriwal not to tell the truth that the news was fake. Given record of his party that has been called anti-woman by so many women who left AAP, perhaps people will even believe that as true. Kejriwal himself asked a woman who was sexually exploited by an AAP member to “compromise”. That woman committed suicide later. So it is not very difficult for people to believe that Kejriwal himself is anti-woman and could indulge in crimes against women.

But things don’t become true just by saying “Is this true?”.

Kejriwal is a liar. Kejriwal is a rumour monger. Kejriwal is an anarchist. But Kejriwal is NOT a rapist.

Let us NOT spread rumours like Kejriwal.

I hope Arvind Kejriwal too realises the dangers of the type of politics he is playing.

I pray for Kejriwal and for country.

Refugee Crisis in Hungary


Hungary, a central European country got united with EU in 2004 and is in the Schengen zone since 2007. Hungary, being a part of visa-free travel zone attracts millions of migrants coming from the Middle East, Kosovo, Albania and Africa though the Balkan region.

Hungary has the history of defending itself for centuries from the Islamic horde especially the Turk. In line with its history, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has pledged to keep all illegal Muslim immigrants out of Hungary. In order to stem the flow of illegal Muslim Immigrants, Hungary has erected a gargantuan 13-foot razor-wire border fence along its southern border with Serbia.

This 173 km fence along with heavy duty patrolling cut off one of the biggest entry points for illegal freeloaders into the European Union. Nevertheless, a steady stream of asylum seekers continued to enter Hungary from different route, i.e. from Croatia. Now, they have begun erecting a fence along its border with Croatia.

Hungary’s hostility towards immigrants and its act of constructing fences was strongly condemned by U.N.  U.N excoriated the fence by calling it as “Iron Curtain”, a famous phrase once used by Winston Churchill to condemn the Soviet Union’s policies in Europe.

Hungary’s resoluteness in weeding out illegal immigrants is highly exhortatory. This might set an example for its neighboring countries. It might also set off a chain reaction of building fences to secure their borders and minimize the economic, cultural, political and societal impact of allowing this scourge across their borders. EU countries will realize the importance of stopping illegal immigration sooner or later. It just takes one to light the fire and spark a global trend.

For instance, Norway has fortified its arctic Russian borders with 200m long, 11 feet high steel fence to snuff out the influx of thousands of refugees. Slovenia is starting to seal its Schengen borders of EU. The other three of Visegrad Four(V4)- Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia also need to go through a major swamp draining. It’s not just the European countries that are building fences; even Saudi Arabia is building border fences to stop illegal immigration. So far, building fences has proven to be an effective means to keep illegal immigrants at bay.

According to Hungary’s foreign minister, Peter Szijjártó, as many as 35 million migrants’ exodus might flood and destabilize European countries as a result of Angela Merkel’s ‘open door policy’. 66,000  Muslim illegals tried to infiltrate into the EU via Hungary’s border with Serbia in the first half of 2015. Hungary has been barraged with 120,000 illegal Muslim immigrants in 2015, triple the number in 2014. There has been a fulminant influx of Kosovars along its southern Serbian border. The number of Kosovars asylum seekers has outnumbered the Syrian asylum seekers in the first quarter of 2015. Apart from Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis are trying to enter Hungary via Serbia. The question that remains unanswered is – Why don’t they ever try to get into a Muslim country like Turkey?

According to the EU- Turkey refugee pact, Turkey is asked to absorb millions of Syrian refugees flooding EU. EU is counting on this accord to curb the influx of migrants coming from Middle-East or Asia. This deal is not good enough to contain this mass immigration. The freeloaders who have sneaked into Europe are not for asylum, but are looking for citizenship, handouts, freebies etc . This phenomenon will push nations to bankruptcy.

Hungary, through its tough stand seems to have violated asylum rules also known as the Dublin Regulation which was first drafted in the early 1990s. The regulation mandates an EU country to process migrant’s claim in the EU country they first set foot on. Violating the Dublin Regulation will have a damaging effect on its neighboring countries. It puts pressure on neighboring countries to absorb waves of pouring refuges. Austria, for instance has ceased to process asylum requests so that its neighbors are forced to take in more refugees.

Western Europe’s ‘willkommenskultur’ and multiculturalism have been destroying and degrading thousands of years of preserved European values and culture. Eastern European countries need to wake up to this reality. Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, the Czechs, the Slovaks etc. are not in favor of  taking illegal Muslim immigrants in. These countries reeling from the surge of Muslim freeloaders have to slam shut their borders. The Muslim freeloaders who are waiting to reach the welfare meccas of Germany through eastern European countries need to be bounced back.

Will ricocheting immigrants among themselves from border to border resolve this exigency? All of these eastern European countries need to adopt an unified approach against this invasion. They should cooperate among themselves to force out this massive population shift at its Turkish source. Once this happens, Hungary and other eastern European countries will be able to focus on growth and development.

The Hungarians are well aware of a refugee settlement pact. The current refugee crisis that they are experiencing is nowhere close to the pact and is a sort of invasion on their land.

Indira Gandhi, Manmohan Singh, and the rise of Black Money


The snapshot of the 1974’s union budget might give us some hints. During Indira Gandhi’s era in the 1970s, income tax was at an all time high. It appears that the top slab had a tax of 97.75%. Entrepreneurship did not die, it was forced to go into a hibernation of economic death. And who was the saarthi of the Indira Gandhi’s Rath one may wonder?

However it’s almost impossible to find a direct article on this issue in major newspapers. It was none other than Dr. Manmohan Singh. 1972 to 1976, Singh was the Chief Economic Adviser in the Ministry of Finance and in 1976 he was Secretary in the Finance Ministry.

He couldn’t speak when he was not a PM, he couldn’t speak either after he became one.

1974 was the start of the brain drain from the country. The able minds, the honest minds chose to move out than stay. The people started avoiding paying taxes. Small businesses were hit hard. Biggies couldn’t survive. As if this was not enough, it was followed by the great Emergency of 1977.

Fundamental rights were suspended. Politicians were jailed. The opposition was detained. Revolutionaries were tortured to death. That was the era of a dictator not of a democratically elected Prime Minister. Apparently quite different from the Baago me bahaar hai Aapaatkaal hai that Mr Ravish Kumar often mentions. Ohh sorry, Ravish Kumars of that era were in jails. In fact, there was virtually no press for 2 long years.

When the policy adopted by Indira forced the honest, the loyal to pay more than they could afford, it also paved a way for the corrupt, the crooked to not pay the taxes. Leading to which the birth of the parallel economy which would bear the brunt of 1974 tyranny.

Soon there was an exceptional rise in the black money. And our great eminent respected economist Dr. Manamohan could do nothing about it. Okay, he did one thing. He was silent about it.

May be liberalisation was more like an act of atonement than an economic achievement. That is also thanks to PV Narasimha Rao. However, Gandhi Parivar made sure he compensates for that one good that he did. He was made a puppet Prime Minister, who made sure the black money and corruption remained as strong as ever.

At a time when the media is singing how great Manmohan Singh is, this story needs to be told and shared.

The Digital reality is the new reality


All the new technology which are coming up are hammering us about their virtual reality and how real does their product makes the world, but in reality we are moving away from the real nature as they have successfully made us believe that we are still connected to the real world.

We sit in front of the desktops and stare at them the whole day gaining knowledge, which we think will help us in making something out of ourselves. We dream that we will once visit the real nature, but we are only left with making the nature just a wallpaper!

To compensate it we indulge ourselves in wasteful series of television or movies which creates a make belief world around us, where we are the superhero, a detective, a lawyer or even be it a drug lord ‘Escobar’ which we always wanted to be. This world, the virtual world is easy, friendly and mainly because you have more trust on them then the people around you. This attachment has crippled the humans to interact with the people and has made them incapable of socializing.

Who must have thought few years back that we “humans” will have to pay for training themselves to socialize. The one thing which used to come naturally is now a process which has to be learned. The reason behind this is that over internet there Is no physical interaction, that is, face to face communication thus leading to a person feeling free to act differently online, as well as unrestrained in civility and minimization of authority, etc. and when the same environment is not present we have no idea how to react.

What bums me out is that the parents give their children a tab or mobile phone when they are not even  old enough to talk. I got my first phone when I entered college (yes I am not lying). A child who is introduced to a digital world before he has uttered a single word, doesn’t surprise me that when he grows older he will have social interaction problems.

Virtual world has become an integral part of our lives and I don’t see any escape from this, until there is a Skynet artificial intelligence taking over the whole Digital world which I assume its going to be google, because people are not able to carry out our day to day activities without googling the same, with the silliest things which I have come across was a video with teaches how to tie shoe laces! I mean are we that dependent on the internet that we have forgotten to carry out activities.

The digital world nightmare does not end there, the phycology of the person has been influenced in ways where it was not supposed to effect, they have molded us in a way where the person prefers to be alone so called ‘Solitary’ which were are a now a common part of the society. Then it has hampered our ability to have sex or the satisfaction which comes along with physical touch, studied says that satisfaction is achieved more by watching videos rather than the physical intercourse, and I won’t deny it as from starting we have been satisfying ourselves through videos and made it a habit rather than just easing off the excitement.

We are so deep Into the hole that we have forgotten how the nature feels like, what is the smell of wet sand after the first rainfall or enjoying finding a rainbow is like. We are caught In a world where we are busy taking photos rather than taking time to absorb the things around us. We have become incapable of enjoying the little things which used to bring happiness to a kid which was born in 90s. As a 90’s kid I miss the things which has replaced the swings in play ground with xbox, playing “khoko” or playing snakes and ladders with the entire family. I actually feel sad for this generation on what they are missing.

Worst of all is that is that we know what damage it is doing to us and how it will end but we are still continuing the same doom’s path as we have been hooked to the digital world.

लिबटार्ड मित्र करवायें राहु दोष का निवारण


सोशल मीडिया पर एक लिबटार्ड मित्र ने बताया कि वो पैसे निकालने के लिए तेईस बैंक के एटीएम में गया परंतु उसे किसी भी एटीएम में पैसे नहीं मिले।

एक लिबटार्ड मोहतरमा ने बताया कि उनके मेडिकल वाले की कार्ड पेमेंट वाली मशीन खराब हो गई है और  उनके अगल बगल में और कोई कार्ड पेमेंट नहीं ले रहा है। माना जाता ही की मोहतरमा पागलपन की दवाई लेती हैं।

एक लिबटार्ड मित्र सब्जी खरीदने मंडी गया तो वहाँ सब्जी लेने के बाद पे टीएम से पैसा चुकाना चाहता था लेकिन सब्जी वाले ने उन्हें  बताया कि यह पे टीएम का स्टीकर सिर्फ विज्ञापन के लिए है।

मेरे एक अच्छे सोशल मीडिया मित्र (अच्छे मित्र हैं इसलिए लिबटार्ड नहीं कहूंगा) अपने ऑटो वाले को पे टीएम से पैसा देना चाहते थे परंतु ऑटो वाले ने भी भाजीवाले जैसा ही जवाब दिया। एक रात पहले वो भो छहः सात एटीएम में पैसा निकालने की असफल कोशिश कर चुके थे।

कुछ एक लिबटार्ड मित्र अपने घर पर काम करनेवालों को लेकर परेशान हैं क्योंकि नौकरों के पास दुकानदार को देने के लिए नई नोट नहीं है।

सरकार ने जब 500-1000 की नोट बंद करने के का निर्णय लिया तब मैं मसूरी में था और उस वक़्त मेरे पास 600 रूपये थे जिसमें से 300 रुपये मैंने अपने ड्राइवर को खाना खाने के ले लिए दे दिया।

नोट बंदी के तीन दिन बाद दिल्ली लौटते समय मैंने अपने ड्राइवर के चार हजार रुपये के पुराने नोट मेरठ के एक यूको बैंक में दस मिनट के अंदर बदल लिए। उसके पहले देहरादून में सहस्त्रधारा के यहाँ मैंने कार्ड पेमेंट से पानी की तीन चार बोतल खरीद ली थी। सहस्त्रधारा में कार्ड से पैसा लेनेवाल दुकानदार मिल जाना भी एक अचंभा ही था।

दिल्ली पहुँचाने के बाद मेरे ड्राइवर ने कहा की बाकि के पैसे मुंबई पहुँचकर भेज देना।

मुंबई आने पर महाराष्ट्र बैंक में शाम के 7 बजे पैसे लेने गया तो बीस मिनट के अंदर मुझे पैसा  मिल गया। उस दिन से अब तक मैं यथासंभव लोगों को कार्ड पेमेंट करता हूँ। यहाँ तक हमारा वडा-पाव वाला भी कार्ड पेमेंट ले रहा है।

मैंने कामवाली को किरणा स्टोर से उसके घर के लिए सामान लेकर मेरे खाते में लिखाने के लिए कह दिया। हो सकता है मैं बहुत भग्यशाली रहा हूँ कि मुझे कहीं भी नोट बंदी के कारण कोई तकलीफ नहीं हुई।

मेरे लिबटार्ड मित्रों की परेशानी देखकर मैं सिर्फ इतना कहना चाहूँगा की “आप लोगों की कुंडली में राहुल दोष के साथ राहु दोष भी बहुत प्रबल है” इसलिए आप राहु दोष के लिए हवन – यज्ञ करवायें। जीवन में कृपा आएगी।

Not just demonetisation, Real Estate sector saw a crucial development in November


Real estate has always been a favourite avenue for the investors to park their funds, as it guarantees a good return over a short time-frame. The sector has also been much dear to the corrupt black money hoarders to stash their black money, especially through the route of benami transaction. Adding fuel to the fire, there was no regulator to regulate the sector prior to November 2016, the month in which the real estate rules came to be executed.

The trinity of the aforementioned reasons culminate in form of an inordinate surge in the price of real-estate and housing therefore failing to cater to the demands of increasing urbanisation. Most of the houses which are bought under benami transactions remain vacant and does a double whammy.

One, it gives legitimate to a property owned legitimately by a person through “illegitimate money” provided by the person. Secondly, as it mostly remains vacant, it adds pressure on the existing houses to house the people coming to the cities in search of jobs and education. The absence of regulation on the sector gave the impunity to the developers from any faulty/delayed construction.

This year is historic in context of “real estate sector” because of the passing of two bills – Benami Amendment Act and the Real Estate Act.

While the former seeks to curb the misuse of black money in transacting benami property, the later seeks to regulate the sector by the setting up of a regulatory authority. Benami transactions have been explicitly defined and the methods for implementation has been drawn.The Benami Amendment Act would dissuade people from entering into benami transactions as the act mandates jail/fine for those involved.

So the colossal number of houses held by the corrupt will come into the free economy and will be put into use to cater to the housing demands of the people. This is turn could lead to a decline in the prices of real-estate leading to more demand from the consumers. Real estate rules will empower the customers as the onus will lie on the developer to complete project in a time-bound manner and will be liable for any defect in the development.

The way two acts would impact the sector will depend on the way the rules are executed by the authorities. If the demand of growing urbanization, Smart City and Housing for all has to be met, real-estate have to play a pivotal role.

Dear Manmohan Singh, in the long run, India shall live and thrive!


Dear Dr. Manmohan Singh,

A couple of days ago, in the Rajya Sabha, you quoted John Keynes – “In the long run we are all dead” – No doubt. Undeniable truth for us mortals.

Is that why you were unperturbed by “organised loot and legalised plunder” under your captaincy?

Is that why you sat mute while supervising monumental scams under your reign?

Is that why you adopted the “let them loot” approach?

Because anyways – in the long term we are all dead… so why bother?

Sir, no one remains PM for eternity either…

Wish you had applied this dictum even when you sat glued to your title, belying the degrees and intellect attributed to you, merely for sake of retaining the titular post.

Respectfully sir, you are right. In the long term, we all shall die.

But India shall live… India, the land, the idea, the spirit, the civilisation shall continue to live, grow and thrive till eternity…

Like it did much before you first cried in Gah.

There comes a day, when we all must think beyond me and my time.

Think and do for that future ahead…

India Today and Dainik Bhaskar – what are they hiding?


I came across a new story from India Today here stating the MP cops thrashed the Soldier who protested against a man pushed into the queue for cash withdrawal (the original Video used by is also on YouTube).

India Today report
Pic-1 Reported by India Today

Now for those who saw both videos, it might have occurred that India Today has highlighted the event occurrence by using some Video overlay effects. So these effects were added to highlight the event and keep the users focus on the event and not the surroundings?

Dainik Bhaskar report
Pic-2 As Reported by Dainik Bhaskar

By now, almost all the mainstream media has lost its credibility and everyone is having a suspicious eye to everything. A little research shows it all.

  1. The effect added severely degrades the ability to look at anything other than what India Today wants to show us.
  2. A few minutes struggle to get hands on the original video (watermarked by “dainik bhaskar” and available on the YouTube link shared above).
  3. Having a look at the original video, few more questions arise
    1. The news report states “Muraila” as the location of the event
    2. The SBI Board on the top does not reflect the branch name/location as it is purposely blurred out. Are they hiding something?
    3. One more thing that is prominently visible in Original Video is that there are consistent horizontal  sharp lines next to every moving object, indicating the video was definitely altered with.
    4. And the best part, I could not find dainik-bhaskar’s report on the same issue on their site’s MP page in any of the today’s news. (Feel free to correct me if I am wrong here)

All these facts from Dainik Bhaskar not reporting the story to India Today using Video effects leads one to think, “What are they Hiding?