Saturday, July 27, 2024
9 Articles by


i help keeping logic alive in this world

The Saga of increase in petrol prices and lollipop of subisdies given by congress

Analyzing three main factors- Global crude oil prices, percentage increase in Indian prices and subsidy given on the fuel, impacting fuel prices.

Mr. Tharoor you will be questioned simply because you are not above the law

Contradictions amongst evidences, postmortem and claims as well as you not being interested to know the truth about the death of the lady you love, make everyone rise their eyebrows.

Manipur problem and tickling the truth of North-East

In fact the 8 November Demonetization, all it has done is diluted the protests as many militants are out of cash and weaponry. Expect more clashes. Elections are near, Humanity will be ignored yet again.

Happy Bhagwad Gita Jayanti? Indeed

John F. Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". He just repeated what is said in the Gita. Country is a Phala here.

Indira Gandhi, Manmohan Singh, and the rise of Black Money

Today's mess of black money and tax evasion is the legacy of Indira Gandhi and Manmohan Singh.

The real story of crocodiles and small fishes in relation to demonetization

Pond was not dried to kill crocodiles. Small fishes have not died. Read the real story.

पानी और बिजली की स्थिति बताता दिल्ली से रायता का रिपोर्टर

केजरीवाल से बिजली माँगा तो उन्होंने एक कटोरा रायता दे दिया

रविश कुमार की मार्मिक एवं कालात्मक विडियो का जवाब

रविश कुमार जी, ये अँधेरा अगर मीडिया का, पत्रकारिता का तस्वीर है, तो जनाब आपका चैनल इस अँधेरे का तमराज किल्विस है।

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