Monday, November 4, 2024


woman safety

No limit to what women can accomplish

Empowering women gives them equal status which in turn gives them a frictionless environment.

नरेंद्र मोदी के गतिशील शासन के तहत महिला सशक्तिकरण का प्रतिबिंब

भारत में, व्यापार, राजनीति, चिकित्सा, खेल और कृषि सहित कई व्यवसायों में महिलाओं का उदय हुआ है।

Eve Teasing, and much more

Women have never gotten the respect they deserve. As India became a democracy after Independence, women have started to get some respect. But, to some people, women still are ‘tools’ and they behavior shows it.

कार्यस्थल पर महिलाओं के साथ यौन उत्पीड़न (रोकथाम, निषेध और निवारण) अधिनियम, २०१३: भाग-१

बेटियों के शसक्तीकरण को लेकर आरक्षण, प्रोत्साहन और अन्य आवश्यक मदद देकर सरकार ने भी हमारे देश में महिलाओं के विकास के लिए बहुत कुछ किया है। महिला सशक्तिकरण मोर्डन इंडिया की जरूरत है, क्योंकि वे भारत की जनसंख्या का ५०% हैं।

Hateful Pogaru movie is not only anti-Brahmin, it is toxically sexist and completely denigrates women

After the Brahmin community members decided to fight against it, the movie makers issued an apology and agreed to cut 14-16 scenes and mute a few dialogues.

Rape: Crime or culture?

We cannot make it a daily practice it should be stopped and women's should feel safe in her country. We are bound to this responsibility as we did female worship with pride.

Some of the darker aspects of Indian society

If we find single women enjoying their lives a bit, we judge them as characterless: The darker side of our society.

How should Men respond to a ‘Me Too’ like campaign

A change in attitude is needed

Being naked is not being empowered

The legitimate struggle for women empowerment has subsided under the burden of hashtags, and some random fake elite cases, and nude pics.

Is this why The Viral Fever founder is being targeted?

Arunabh Kumar would have merrily gone around being a sexual predator had TVF not shown its political proclivities the way it has been doing.

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