Hindu Bengali’s becoming secular does not make Muslim Bengali secular. Let West Bengal come to its sense and decide on 20 June as the “West Bengal Day” without any self-loathing.
Just a few months ago we witnessed horrible incidents like Haridebpur, Baguihati, Jangipara and now we are witnessing the incidents of Kaliaganj and Kaliachak.
If the constructions were illegal in the first place, how did the local Trinamool leaders charge an amount of twenty-five thousand for their settling in the first place?
Though BJP is on a much stronger wicket this time under PM Modis leadership, such a threat does exist and it can arise due to two cardinal factors. These are: (1) Over-reach, and, (2) Over-confidence.
आजकल पश्चिम बंगाल में ममता दीदी के सरकार के दो बड़े नाम पूरे भारत में छाये हुए हैं, एक नाम है पार्थ चटर्जी का जो एक दो नहीं अपितु तीन तीन विभागों के मंत्री है और दूसरा नाम है अर्पिता मुखर्जी का जो बंगला फिल्मो की छोटी मोटी नायिका हैं पर पार्थ चटर्जी की खासम खास हैं।
Is our country heading towards chaotic strife, between the different religions? There is some recurrence of the sense of mutual suspicion that had led to the country being partitioned, once before.