Saturday, July 27, 2024


Tablighi Jamaat Spreading COVID-19

Tablighi Jamaat was a creation of Islamic orthodoxy and intolerance for Hindus and other pagans/non-believers

This branch of Islamic adherents have regularly been involved in rioting, communal hatred and instigation of terrorist activities.

Behind the picture: “Is it fear & compulsion or communalism”?

If we summarize current situation amid corona pandemic and series of acts done by the Talibaghi Jamatis and some miscreants belongs to Muslim community, one cannot simply brush aside the fact that yes; there is a sense of fear amongst general public.

तबलीगी जमात भारतीय संस्कृति के दुश्मन

कोरोना महामारी देश में फैली जिसके पश्चात देश ने तबलीगी जमात के बारे में जाना कि यह जमात क्या कार्य करती है। धर्म को संस्कृति से आगे रखकर मुसलमानों में धार्मिक चेतना की आग को और तेज करना चाहती है जिसके परिणाम स्वरूप यह दुनिया खुद ही दो हिस्सों में बट जाएगी।

Know everything about Tablighi Jamaat

Tablighi Jamaat had founded to tackle the Shuddhi Movement by Swami Dayanand Sarasvati, where the main task was to bring back the people who converted to Islam.

Mistakes not missiles- What should move the liberal Indian

To merely pinpoint to the faults of others and to advocate that the Jamaat is not the solitary guilty party is like saying that the Holocaust was partially Adolf Hitler's blunder because the global stalwarts could have immobilized him before single-handedly but did not.

How Assam is tackling Corona virus outbreak

COVID-19 has made a challenging situation before the Assam Government but the State is trying best possible ways to tackle the situation and tackle it.

Yes, I am Islamophobic!

Someday, I hope that a majority of my country see things the same way and has the courage to call a spade, a spade and do away with these shackles that the liberal elite have so cleverly blinded us with and call out any heinous crime in the name of religion.

सुरक्षा कर्मियों पर हमले क्यों?

अन्ना आंदोलन के बाद सरकार विरोधी बात करने वालों को अभूतपूर्व रूप से महिमामंडित करने की प्रवृत्ति ने असफल लोगों के अंदर कुंठा उत्पन्न की और यही कुंठा आज देश के अंदर बात बात पर पुलिस पर हमले के रूप में सामने आ रही हैं।

Then they ‘woke’ me up.. – a lucid satire

With the ideology war stronger than ever, the tide has turned hard on someone like us who sometimes bat for the system.

Meltdown of a secular journalist

Sr. journalist, Saba Naqvi's stand is of an apologist, someone who condones violence, a position of a hypocrite with jaundice.

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