Saturday, July 27, 2024



India is rather a ‘salad bowl’ than a ‘melting pot’

India is sometimes portrayed as a "melting pot" in books and conversations because so many diverse civilizations, tribes, and languages live here side by side.

Act East Policy, Cultural Connectivity, and Tourism

Act East Policy, or “AEP”, is the most outstanding policy that makes Modi’s administration likely takes a serious step towards Southeast Asia.

Power behind creations

The power behind every life, be it flora or fauna, is never pondered over in our so-called busy life. Busy-ness of a being is all but temporary feature and one should devote time to such creation of Nature and one should always remain ever grateful to one's own body organs which are functioning day and night like one's own servants. That is not good at all. One should devote time and attention to them.

A non-believer’s conversation with god

I am the most merciful but if you don't believe in me, I can kill you, under my merci!

The origin of Islam- from historical perspective

It is no wonder that all the present day problems of Islam are rooted in its origin only. Let us see as to how MBS can reform Islam and how Muslims of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh react to the proposed reform of MBS.

In the wonderlands of ‘pseudos’, when ‘Rizvi’ goes for the toss! Part-5

...Radical exclusivity: You're either Muslim or you're not, and if not, you're inferior. A Kafir. You need to be converted and saved. Or else we'll keep announcing what we believe will happen to you in the afterlife.....This is the root of the problem. It's not just Islamaphobia. It's a reaction to ABCD dogma, phobias and paranoias. ... Abbas Tyrewala 05-04-2020 in

India: A republic being nation

It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that India does not live like a nation. Rather she lives like a multinational nation where the smaller nations are system less, capital less and in emotional marriage with a quasi-self-actualization approach.

Unfortunately, we remember our fundamental rights but forget our fundamental duties

Since ancient times, people in India have had a tradition of performing their duties — even in partial disregard of their rights and privileges. Since time immemorial, an individual’s “kartavya” — the performance of one’s duties towards society, his/her country and his/her parents — was emphasised.

आत्मकल्याण ही जीवन का लक्ष्य

कौन अपना कौन पराया?

Destroying the “Swastika” narrative

New York Post didn't want to go top to bottom and discover the underlying foundations of Nazi image, utilized by Nazi's and anti- Semitists even today.

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