Religion of peace
The problems of Islam & murder of Kanhaiya Lal
Terrorism has no religion and Islamophobia are the two most fraudulent arguments put across by the gangs of Islamists, Leftists, Anarchists and Politically correct world leaders in defense of Islamic misdeeds and violence.
Despotism, threatening diversity
aghosh -
A religion is like a Mexican wave, when a huge group of people performs the wave, they show a beautiful symphony and wave of joy, because they do it by their choice.
Happy Eid: A festival of piece and non violence
jaimin29 -
This great festival of celebration begins on the land where cattle are not only saved but also worshiped.
Desert god and his messenger
The messenger of god, sent by the god in the desert for the betterment of humanity or for his own propagation?
Power through religion
nsingh55 -
The quintessence of most religions is to acquire, retain and perpetuate power. It's done differently in different political systems.
Hindus are always soft target
Akshit -
Just to please one and appease other, 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976 was brought into force where a new term was coined into the preamble i.e., S.E.C.U.L.A.R.
This changed the dynamics of Hindus residents of India.
Riddles in the Risala- 1: Abrahamic religions should be probed into
The foundation of Abrahamic religions is to destroy polytheism.
Why I simply reject to respect Islam
I will surely respect Islam when I don't see all this extreme versions of it overshadowing the peaceful ones.
How would you compare the top 3 religions: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism?
Looking at different facets of the three major religions in India
Bengali Intellectuals organise ‘NotInMyName’ protest against the blasphemous Facebook post by Hindu extremist
Manithan -
The protest seems to have been spontaneous without much pre-planning and protesters arrived in huge numbers.