Population Explosion
Population expansion in India: Transforming challenges into catalysts for development
bhavram -
In recent times, India has emerged as the most populous country in the world, surpassing China. With a staggering population of about 1.41 billion...
Boiling frog syndrome amidst emerging challenges
The Boiling Frog story is a metaphor for how people are usually slow to react to changes that occur gradually.
Population bill- A pressing need
A population bill is required, taking into account the crucial factors mentioned here in the article, because no one wants our country to become like Afghanistan, Pakistan, or East Timor.
Population explosion, changing demography and Taxpayers’ concern
Population explosion is a national concern and needs a proper and sincere attempt to curb it. At the same time “population imbalance” should not be allowed to happen.
Does India need a population control law?
instead of resorting to law, efforts should be made for population control by taking measures like awareness campaign, raising the level of education, and eradicating poverty.
सुविधा और अवसर की चाहत है तो जनसंख्या नियंत्रण से परहेज क्यों
Population Growth लोगों की नासमझी है या ऊपर वाले की मर्जी? जो लोग सोचते हैं की अपने बच्चों को पालन सिर्फ वो ही कर रहे हैं, उन्हें न तो वास्तविकता का आभास होता होता है न ही राष्ट्र की सामाजिक और आर्थिक संरचना का! उनके साथ साथ राष्ट्र भी पालन का भार उठाता है!
Less population means better education, better health and a better lifestyle
Canada's Trudeau Liberal government must follow the world uniform civil code and population control law to curb this arbitrariness
Population control laws: Need of the hour
ankrulzz -
We hope the government of India will be considering it as a priority to push the bills as soon as possible for better quality life of the citizens of India
आबादी आबादी, बर्बादी बर्बादी
बढ़ रही है जनसंख्या तो बढ़ने दो; आ रही है मुश्किले तो आने दो, अगर यह भीड़ गायब हो गई; तो पत्थर कौन फेंकेंगा, शहर कौन जलायेगा; धरने कौन देगा, बढ रही है आबादी तो बढ़ने दो
An interference into natural selection
Don't we feel guilty enjoying luxury and better life conditions while we exploit Nature and enslave all species? Is this Being Human?