The newly formed government of Maharashtra under leadership of Devendra Fadnavis and Eknath Shinde has taken a decision to reform election process of agriculture produce market committee (APMC) and this strategic reforms will change indirect process of election with direct election process through farmers.
2014 के पश्चात देश के भाग्य का नया सूर्योदय हुआ और एक जिम्मेदार, ईमानदार व कर्तव्यनिष्ठ सरकार ने देश की बागडोर सम्हाली, तब देश के अन्नदाताओं की स्थिति व आय पर विशेष ध्यान दिया गया और कई महत्वपूर्ण योजनाओं को कागज के पन्नो से उतारकर धरातल पर ला क्रियान्वयन किया गया।
Some of the policymakers in India are perhaps not ready to digest the reality that the changing landscape has made the old calculations increasingly difficult to practice and this is manifested by recent misinformation campaign and undignified behaviour in the parliament.
मोदी सरकार कृषि बिल 2020 ले कर आयी है। यह कानून हमारे कृषि प्रधान देश के किसानो को सशक्त बनाता है। इस बिल में उनकी समसयाओ के व्यवहारिक समाधानों का प्रावधान है। परन्तु यह दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है की राजनितिक स्वार्थ के लिए किसानो को भड़काया जा रहा है।
For policymaking, it is important to listen to all the stakeholders, but the government has failed to take into consideration of the business community. Relaxing the regulations on APMC and drafting rules for contract farming alone is not enough.
PM Narendra Modi has taken several initiatives to make farmers financially strong. His commitment with actions towards making farmers income double by 2022 is quite commendable. Let’s see some of his actions on the ground.
In the budget, govt forms pavement for the progress of farmers giving top priority for agriculture, trends to utilize modern techniques, provide them free loans, help them sale their products ,conserve them all together leading to uplift of farming.
आप सभी तब कहाँ रहते हैं जब एक किसान धरती की सेवा करते करते मारा जाता है? सीमा पर अगर भारत माँ की सेवा में अगर कोई जवान मारा जाता है तो कम से कम उसे सलामी तो दी जाती है।
If agri income is made completely tax free without any limit, it clearly means that the farmers are not the real beneficiaries of this tax exemption and there is a larger conspiracy for providing this exemption of unlimited amount, by making a provision for the same in the Income Tax Act.