Saturday, July 27, 2024


Lies of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris

America’s Vietnam 2.0: The failure of Afghanistan

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan is like eating McDonald's burger for life. After eating the same burger for 20 years, it finally decided to call it a day and left McDonald's.

President Biden mistakes are costing the World very Dearly

President Trump had a longer vision and a strategy in place as how to achieve this objective.

USA is now a constitutional relic & not a republic

All the founders of the US Constitution and even our own framers from the Constituent Assembly must be squirming in their graves, on what is playing out in the US.

Impeachment: American democracy on trial

The violence of Capitol Hill on 6th January gave birth to a demand solely advocated by Democrats that we should impeach Donald Trump for...

Joe Biden is not Trump, Joe Biden might be worse than Trump

A man who belongs to the elitist coterie that will use American taxpayers’ money to fuel terrorism in other countries and a woman who can disown her ethnic identity — and they are expected to bring in inclusivity to American society?

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