Saturday, July 27, 2024
9 Articles by

Rohit Shrivastava

President Biden mistakes are costing the World very Dearly

President Trump had a longer vision and a strategy in place as how to achieve this objective.

The era of expansionists is over

‘Narendra Modi’, has lifted the spirit of statesmanship to an entirely different level

The cat & mouse game

We handle Pakistan with ‘confrontational defense’, ‘covert attack’, clubbing it with elements of दंड and doses full of भेद; whether its POK or Baluchistan.

Pakistani military: A Tom & Jerry show

It is pitiful that a nation that claims to have a creditable defense establishment, exposes its shallowness, illiteracy and comical understanding of ‘war tactics’, both at a psychological level and an implementation level.

Xi Jingping’s “little-big” ambition

Xi Jingping’s lust to rival the power enjoyer by POTUS, has made him blind, and has carved the road not only for his own destruction but also the destruction of China in the years to come.

China, the over smart rouge

The Chinese strategy is so simple and straight forward that it is not easily noticeable. Further the Chinese believe in deploying all means to realize their ambition, after all ‘All is fair in Love and War’.

Indian Air Force; the potency multiplies

With the declared delivery of four Rafale fighter aircrafts to the Indian Airforce by end of July, 2020; the nation is anxiously waiting for the arrival of this force multiplier.

POK, the battle for conquest

Integrating POK, will result in a major demographic shift in the region, as mass conversions have been taking place over the years in POK.

Palghar: The postmortem report

None of the real perpetrators of the crime have been brought to book till now, even though the massacre was carried out in broad daylight, in front of thousands of onlookers.

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