Saturday, July 27, 2024


Liberals against Donald Trump

Are we helpless against the fascist Silicon Valley big tech?

Time to become Aatma Nirbhar for Social Media too.

What INDIA can learn from 2020 US Presidential Election

While Trump is referred to as a racist, Modi is referred to as a fascist from a small portion of the Indian population calling themselves as leftists/liberals.

Liberals expose their extreme intolerance

The Liberals have been shown up for what they are. ‘The hypocritical bunch’, as historian Niall Ferguson called them once. It is strange that they cannot stand the heat in their kitchens.

Liberals’ hypocrisy stands exposed by Donald J Trump

Time for liberals to become practical, pragmatic and realistic in not claiming themselves to be who they are not.

Anything but fire and fury: A biased writer writes a book on Trump administration

“Fire and Fury – Inside the Trump White House” by Michael Wolff dies its short life.

Indian Feminism and its strange romance with Islam

Indian feminism is just another way to destroy Hindu culture.

Sadistic pleasure of Liberals: Their source of happiness lies in mocking our value system

Our 'left liberal intellectual' finds a certain kind of hidden joy in ridiculing our value system & aesthetic culture.

Has US media gone too far in criticizing Donald Trump?

Constant criticism of Donald Trump by media has made Americans incline towards Social Media.

How so-called liberals are no better than trolls

Freedom of Expression is a two-way street; it is not the property of pampered brats in English media.

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