Monday, January 20, 2025


Human rights of Kashmiri Pundits

कश्मीरी पंडितों के बिना कश्मीरियत और जम्हूरियत दोनों अधूरी है

कश्मीरी अवाम ने विगत 17 महीनों में जिस शांति, सद्भाव, सहयोग, समझदारी, परिपक्वता एवं लोकतांत्रिक भागीदारी का परिचय दिया है, दरअसल उसे ही भारत के लोकप्रिय एवं यशस्वी प्रधानमंत्री स्वर्गीय अटलबिहारी बाजपेयी ने कश्मीरियत, जम्हूरियत, इंसानियत का नाम दिया था और यह निर्विवाद एवं अटल-सत्य है कि कश्मीरी पंडितों एवं ग़ैर मज़हबी लोगों को साथ लिए बिना वह कश्मीरियत-जम्हूरियत-इंसानियत आधी-अधूरी है।

हिंदुओं की पुराने अनुपात में वापसी ही कश्मीर घाटी की चिंता का समाधान है

कश्मीर को शांत वादियों में बदलना है तो उसे अस्सी के दशक में मौजूद रहे जनसंख्या के मूल ढांचे में लाना ही पड़ेगा। इसके अलावा बाकी सारे उपाय फौरी तौर पर तो सफल हो सकते हैं, लेकिन वह लंबे समय तक कारगार नहीं हो पाएंगे।

KP Community status needs a reset

Kashmiri Hindu community continues to suffer and be homeless. Every govt have sold only fake promises to them without doing any ground work.

Shikara 2: The fillum returns (but not Kashmiri Pandits)

Fillum has no religion, it has only box-office collection: A satirical take!

Indian Army and the dream of Aurangzeb

What Aurangzeb could not do centuries back, that is, converting Kashmiri Hindus to Islam, the Indian state allowed their genocide by Muslims and mass exodus from Kashmir thirty years back from today.

The Abandoned Home

The valley still bleeds, the mountains still cry, the Pandits and their resolve however, march on hoping against hope to return to their home, once again.

Who were the most unfortunate people in modern Indian history?

On 4th January 1990, Srinagar based newspaper Aftab published a warning that if the Kashmiri Pandits din’t vacate their homes and leave the valley immediately, they would be converted to Islam or would be subjected to the barbaric Sharia law.

Dear Malala, if there’s a Nobel for hypocrisy you would get that too!

When you released the statement on J&K issue after India abrogated the article 370 of the Indian constitution, I realized how ignorant a Nobel laureate can be.

How removal of Article 370 will benefit Kashmiri Pandits

Scrapping of article 370 is a sigh of relief for Kashmiri Paandits as they will no longer be treated as second-class citizens in their own homeland. And that's why we are happy. And so is every pro-Indian Kashmiri.

From Raj to Swaraj to Suraaj

Why Modi is unacceptable to liberal lobby is because he is putting all the efforts to gift us our Swaraj by his Suraaj while Nehru gave us Raj.

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