Saturday, July 27, 2024


History of India

Rewriting History: Birth of a new School of Thought

Where the Left perspective could have contributed in a wholesome narration, it chose to keep itself far-left. Standing tall with foundational pores in the blowing wind, the current historiography risks breaking its back. To bend, accept positive criticism and course correct may perhaps lead to an amalgamation of Left and Right perspectives of looking at history where they can both act as each other’s checks and balances.

The identity crisis of an Indian

India's diversity has been been touted as its selling points. But is it always a boon?

Need of rewriting history to make it ‘narrative less’

To better comprehend India now, it is crucial to retain an open mind and continue learning about all facets of the nation's past.

The Idea of Bhārata: The Mauryas and The Marathas

Bhārata has been blessed with many able and powerful rulers. Music, literature, and science were developed during their reign. The Mauryas and the Marathas stand out in particular, for these empires had a vision for India and the fortitude to bring that into actuality.

Amir Khusrau: The “secular cultural icon” who spewed venom against the Hindus

A reading of Khazainul Futuh makes Khusrau’s antagonism towards the Hindus so apparent that it cannot go unnoticed.

Bawani Imli: An unsung saga of the supreme sacrifice

"Whoever takes the body from the tree will face the same fate"

Are tombs the symbols for modern India?

Why do foreigners have understood Humayun Tomb and Taj Mahal to be India’s glorious monuments and why not Hampi or Single rock-cut temple of Kailashnatha?

Some battles that the Mughals fought at Delhi

It is often taught in History books that the Mughals had been the apex predators in the military history of India. This article details some of the battles fought at Delhi in which the Mughals have been a party.

A fact-check on vile allegations against Savarkar: Are they true?

In this article, I'm going to examine certain portions of Savarkar's book, 'Six Glorious Epochs of Indian History', which allegedly have contents endorsing rape of Muslim women as a political tool. How true are these claims? Did Savarkar really say something erroneous? It can be understood only after examining the text.

Legacy of deceit: A menacing hegemony of ‘two-faced idealists’ in Indian intelligentsia and academia

Time has come to wake up, debunk and repudiate the deceitful portrayal of truth and liberate the Indian academia and intelligentsia from the stranglehold of these 'two-faced idealists' hegemony, otherwise, as someone rightly observed, our ignorance and silence will ensure the recurrence of history.

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