Saturday, July 27, 2024


Hindu Unity

Concept of Hindu communism

This article is to create an awareness on how to create a rigid Hindu ecosystem free of caste, color, language, economy, and so on.

Is caste system an integral part of Hinduism?

It is necessary to demolish the myth that caste system is an intrinsic part of Hinduism. Moreover, this myth has harmed relations between the so-called upper castes and lower castes.

अतार्किक होते हुए भी क्यों प्रचलित है जातिवाद

इस समाज को यदि जातिवाद के जाल से निकलना है तो, इतिहास को सही परिप्रेक्ष्य मे पढ़ाना होगा, सभी जन मानस को समान समझना होगा और पुत्र मोह को त्यागना होगा, तभी हम एक सभ्य समाज कि रचना कर सकते है जिसकी कल्पना हमारे पूर्वजों ने की थी।

A new deal for SC/ST community

Mere criticism of reservation without providing for an alternative scheme for the uplifment of reserved communities owing to historically disadvantaged position of those is unproductive.

Veer Savarkar: The revolutionary misunderstood

The Gandhian contemplation of nationalism focused on territorial nationalism and on the other hand nationalism according to Savarkar emphasised on identity, Cultural Nationalism. He stood for a social unity of all Hindu communities.

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