Saturday, July 27, 2024
9 Articles by


-Writer is an Activist and former Media President of Delhi University Students Union.

Veer Savarkar: The revolutionary misunderstood

The Gandhian contemplation of nationalism focused on territorial nationalism and on the other hand nationalism according to Savarkar emphasised on identity, Cultural Nationalism. He stood for a social unity of all Hindu communities.

यह कैसी आज़ादी?

भारत विश्व का सबसे बड़ा लोकतंत्र है और सबको बोलने की आज़ादी है। संविधान ने आज़ादी की एक लक्ष्मण रेखा तय की है और हमें उसी तक सीमित रहना चाहिए।

The Changing Dynamics of India’s Foreign Policy under Modi’s Regime

Modi’s foreign policy appears geared to reinvent India as a more merciless, reliant and taut nation.

Modi government has done a lot in last two years, here is a snapshot

In last two years the administration has moved from an epoch of policy mobility to an epoch of policy primacy.

Modi Sarkaar makes a big bet on FDI, but will it work?

The opening up of the sectors is not an automatic guarantee of increased economic growth and exports.

India needs Uniform Civil Code – Now, more than ever!

With a Uniform Civil Code, the society will get rid of all gender discriminating laws and send a blow to the patriarchal nature - which is the need of hour.

Tough Test for BJP’s Chanakya Amit Shah ahead

A year to watch for Amit Shah's return

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