Saturday, July 27, 2024


farmer suicides in India

Part-5: Are farmers from all over India protesting?

Contrary to mischievous media reports that “All Indian Farmers are up in arms”, it would be more accurate to say that “Rich Punjabi farmers, middlemen and loansharks are up in arms” against agricultural reform.

Death of the farmer vote bank

While in the case of a farmer the reform delivered double benefit but the political class faces double whammy, that of losing its captive vote bank that was dependent on its sops and secondly losing the massive income they earned as middlemen between the farmer and the consumer. Either the farmer is misinformed or wrongly instigated, otherwise it is impossible to conceive that any farmer should be actually unhappy or opposed for being given more choices, as to whom to sell their produce.

He who tills the land: A chance encounter with a small farmer

We feel elated when we hear that Govt will double the income of farmers or when they claim that a new act passed will change lives of farmers. But the real picture remains very different. It is very difficult for us to gauge the facts on ground unless we experience it first hand.

Farm Bills 2020

Congress' corrupt parasitic policies are the sole reason as to why farmers are in this dismal condition.

Farmers: Why is there no media attention where our food supply depends?

Where all the attention is going for what's been happening surrounding the arrest of Rhea Chakraborty on drug charges and what's been happening in Maharastra due to the autocratic behavior of Shiv Sena, media has ignored the police brutality on farmers who were protesting on their own right even if it was a case of opportunism by the opposition.

Farmers: Lifeline of our nation

PM Narendra Modi has taken several initiatives to make farmers financially strong. His commitment with actions towards making farmers income double by 2022 is quite commendable. Let’s see some of his actions on the ground.

एक बारिश का मौसम

बेमौसम बारिश से किसानो की धुलती किस्मत

एक पत्र सभी भारतीय सांसदों एवं सभी राज्यों के विधायकों के नाम

आप सभी तब कहाँ रहते हैं जब एक किसान धरती की सेवा करते करते मारा जाता है? सीमा पर अगर भारत माँ की सेवा में अगर कोई जवान मारा जाता है तो कम से कम उसे सलामी तो दी जाती है।

No, Mr. Gandhi, It’s absolutely not done!

Trillions are on stake, banks could go in debt, country’s economy could sink, even then farmers would keep on committing suicide and that’s why Mr. Gandhi, it’s absolutely not done!

किसान: अन्नदाता का दर्द

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