Tuesday, September 10, 2024



NDTV’s unethical practices and questionable integrity

"The Investigative Journalist" Nidhi Razdan when failed to investigate her own employment offer!

Literate but uneducated news factories

The uneducated left cabal have only literates but not learned "journalists" and editors in their midst. Their so called journalistic ethics have already been shredded many a times in past but spreading fake news seems to be their favourite time pass

Recommender systems and their great baggage

What is so interesting about this term? What do they imply? Do they deserve our concern? Before we get into that, let’s dive deeper into its connection with our day to day lives.

Countering emotivism in economics

All economies should focus on self-sufficiency where they can provide for all without any dependence on external sources. This change in priorities of the neoliberal order will remove all the internal fractures in it like poverty, over exploitation of the environments, unemployment, disease and other internal conflicts over scarce resources.

Modi – India’s Divider in Chief between Kaamdars and Naamdars

Aatish Taseer could perhaps have added any one of the following subtitles to his article’s header: India’s Divider in Chief - Between Corrupt and Non-corrupt, Between Performing and Non-performing, or even Between Kaamdars and Naamdars.

All a matter of winning

Why are we mechanized to see the end result as 'win or lose'?

Bollywood: the place belongs to hypocrites

The industry is full of hypocrites, read 5 examples of hypocrisy.

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