Way too busy in personal life that people don't have time to think about cultural invasion, neglected Bharatiya heritage and biased narratives ruining our future! Placards abusing Hindutva appear in so called protests, we watch them on TV and just move on, without even thinking what those placard holders are trying to do!
A narrative was built by the leading lights amongst Left historians in creating Demons amongst Rajput community by fake alignment of evidence taking bits and pieces to paint a picture wholly incongruous with the facts.
I would like to propose the idea of forming a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission of India” be set up by the Government of India with only one goal – to tell the truth as is.
Why the name is important if that’s the question then given the free run of the secular historians right from the dawn of India’s independence, made us almost forget our own history, our ancestry, our tradition, and our culture.
Secularism has never inspired anyone to do anything, except indulging in laziness. A nation without history is like a man without soul. We urgently need to recast our history books by focusing on a few critical points.
Fundamental changes should be planned and carried out in order to demolish the anti-India narrative. But if these do not happen in the next 5-6 years, it will come as a dead end for cultural unity and prevalent peace in India.
Jahangir was just like other Mughal Rulers – An Islamic Fanatic who hated Hindus and Hinduism every bit and piece. Still I am being taught wrong about him, that so in the famous Kirori Mal College.
भारत सोने की चिड़िया कहलाता था। क्यों? क्यों कि भारत समृद्ध सुखी सुशिक्षित और सुसंस्कारी था। यहाँ की शिक्षा पद्धति व्यवहार और कौशल से परिपूर्ण थी, साथ ही प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को प्रत्येक कार्य नैतिकता और धार्मिकता से सम्पन्न करना सिखाया जाता था।