विडंबना की पराकाष्ठा देखिए, जहां लंदन में भारत की जीत के हीरो मोहम्मद कैफ रहे और भारतीयों ने उनको खुशी-खुशी सिर-आंखों पर बैठाया और उस जीत का दिल खोल कर जश्न मनाया, वहीं जम्मू के कासिम नगर में इस्लामी आतंकवाद ने गरीब और बेसहारा मज़दूरों को निर्ममता से मौत के घाट केवल इसलिए उतारा क्योंकि वो सब हिंदू थे।
Bharat Ratna Sachin Ramest Tendulkar is not just a name, it is symbol of hope, success, commitment and dedication. He is considered as God of cricket not just because of his records but also because of his humbleness and politeness.
India and Pakistan, both have a similar problem, which they have been trying to avoid for decades and still not acknowledging it. We depend on a few players to win the game for us.
With change in cricket uniform's color (blue to saffron), Congress and SP are so blinded by their hate for Modi that they possibly even lost sight that they are questioning everything Indian.