Saturday, July 27, 2024


Corona virus affected people in India

कोरोना के साथ जीने की आदत डालनी होगी

श्विक महामारी कोरोना ने पूरी दुनिया बदल दी है इस तथ्य को कोई नकार नहीं सकता। आपके ध्यान्नार्थ किंग्स कॉलेज - लन्दन के शोधकर्ताओं के विश्लेषण का निष्कर्ष यही रहा था कि कोविद-१९ छह तरह से हमला कर रहा है और यही कारण है की कोरोना संक्रमितों की संख्या दिन प्रतिदिन बढती जा रही है।

Stock market & economy future amid COVID-19

The stock activities will change post COVID-19, like any other sector

Indian policymakers made 21 mistakes and adopted easiest method – lockdown to abdicate their responsibility

India err on the side of extreme fear, ignorant epidemiology and medicine over novel coronavirus and purchased our economic disaster.

Hand sanitization, use of mask may kill ‘herd immunity’, grant free pass to coronavirus?

What protects Indian is our immunity whereas the western world is protected largely by their medical care and treatment advancement.

Keep epidemiology and medical wisdom bystander, bring microbiology and evolutionary wisdom to solve novel coronavirus crisis

It looks like, the panic of novel coronavirus to leave human host may the problem that we have exaggerated as ours and otherwise the virus may leave us swiftly.

Lockdown and Mangru

Mangru, Premchand’s Hori and Dhania, Mulk Raj Anand’s Bakha-their names have a peculiar ring to it.

Common man’s view on solidarity

Should we move to the community spread stage we will reach unimaginable level of human destruction given India’s health infrastructure, public health support and general level of poverty and immense population.

No city for the poor

Landless, homeless and cashless people in countless numbers, suddenly discovered that suddenly, their struggle(s) in life changed in just a matter of few days.

Cut the BS. Stay home. Shut up

All those who oppose everything done by the govt., must remember that dissent is the essence of democracy, but howling all bad, is no dissent.

One India or diverse India has defeated the poor during lock down

The lock down declared by Modi’s government has proved that the ethos of one India is nothing but a myth and the people of India can be saved only the respective state government

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