Saturday, July 27, 2024


Cornering Pakistan

An open letter to peace-loving Pakistanis

At some stage of their lives, every generation of Indians has experienced a violation of their trust by Pakistan.

Future of India with NaPak-istan

India has to repeat her history on the west front. In answer to “Bleed India with thousand cuts”, we have to “Break Pakistan into 3-4 parts”.

The only way to get rid of terrorism

Terrorists from now on will have to think about the safe havens for themselves, because Pakistan is not safe for them any more. This fear is good. Fear is an excellent deterrent.

Modi’s Middle East Policy is a huge success

Though Pakistan’s remarks were harsh and uncharitable, the summit's Abu Dhabi Declaration remained silent on Kashmir, unlike the previous year which is a sign of success.

Let India’s safety, development and sab ka vikas infuse our blood to re-elect Narendra Modi led BJP govt

The slogan for 2019 should be SAFETY, DEVELOPMENT AND SAB KA VIKAS.

2019 का युद्ध

क्या सरकार पाकिस्तान को किसी और रूप से क्षति पँहुचा सकती है! ये मुद्दा विचारणीय है।

Prime Minister welcoming Crown Prince is a good gesture

By welcoming the crown prince warmly, India could get Saudi Commission for tourism, India’s National Heritage to promote tourism, Exchange of audio visual programmes of Prasar Bharati and Saudi Broadcasting Corporation and many other benefits.

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