Saturday, July 27, 2024


Caste System in India

Hindu scriptures have been a scapegoat for the socially constructed caste

Have a fact check before joining liberals for their favourite topic: Condemning Vedas and Manusmriti.

Mahabharata: The idea called India

Time to rediscover one's roots and re-position the shared identity with the sub-continent at the centre.

“Padmavati”: Leave her alone, enjoy the film

It is not about a film but what is at stake is free thinking and free expression. Can our democracy afford that?

जात-पात, क्यों है पात-पात?

जाति प्रथा की शुरुआत, इसमें पनपी कुरीतियां, और समाधान

Samajik Samrasta versus Samajik Nyaya

Samajik Samrasta is about welfare/development of all and appeasement of none.

Should caste based reservation continue even after 7 decades of independence?

Is giving reservation to the socially deprived class only solution for their upliftment?

How would you compare the top 3 religions: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism?

Looking at different facets of the three major religions in India

Why politicians usually shy of talking about reservation

It is still to be known that how much the reservation has so far helped the communities like SC/ST in upbringing their life quality. But it is evident that it has helped politicians who stand on ideology that supports reservation.

India and Casteism

Let's learn from the various truthful messages of Indian Philosophy, rather than following the ostensible observations, blind rituals and worships. Let’s move towards ‘Varna’ designations based on our work rather than following the caste system based on birth

Indians need to stop the Victim Mentality and focus on Winning

Western intellectuals should at least study India before making absurd comments on the Indian culture.

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