Friday, October 18, 2024



Sanatani libertarianism vs freebies

Sanatani Libertarianism, the Bharatiya option simply adds "providing frameworks of entrepreneurship without trampling on nature" to the list of the otherwise standard libertarian position that a State, if existent, should stick to protecting life, liberty, and property.

Communist-isation Of a Nation

On a surface level, the phrase “If you are not a socialist when you are young, you have no heart and if you are not a capitalist when you are old, you have no brain” makes sense but a 1984 interview by an ex-KGB spy might state otherwise.

Random thoughts on consumerism or capitalism

The economic idea of "Consumerism" or "Capitalism" are just modern versions of "hunting gathering" way of civilization.

फर्जी चिल्लाहट

जिन्हें आप मजदूर कह रहे हो वो सनातन परंपरा के लघु एवं कुटीर उद्योग के सर्वेसर्वा थे, जिनके सपनों को लाल सलाम के गमछे में लपेटकर बेच दिया गया, अब इनकी संवेदनाओं को बेचकर बाज़ारवाद अपनी झोली भर रहा है।

गमला कट्टरवाद का!

यदि किसी अवधारणा में ज़्यादा अतिवादिता हैं तो क्या वोह उस धारणना की विफ़लता नहीं है? कम से कम संचार की विफ़लता तो मान ही सकते है।

Communism is against Indian Ethos

The communists have been trying to peel away the Indian way of life, looking for similarities between the class struggles in Europe and conditions in India to fit their narrative and somehow gain legitimacy to survive.

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