Saturday, July 27, 2024


Aryan Invasion theory

Debunking Aryan Invasion Theory

The Aryan Invasion Theory had been the political tool of leftists to defame Hindus by creating rift between the imaginary Aryan and Dravidian races. Let's take some of the evidences that are in favor of Aryan Invasion theory and discuss them.

Aryan invasion theory: Fact or fake?

The stark lack of similarities in the gene pools of the Indian subcontinent and Europe, vividly evident in the mtDNA and the MHC complex, destroys any Aryan invasion notions, and confirms the genetic uniformity of people of the Indian subcontinent.

Secrets of Sinauli demolishes the despicable Aryan Invasion theory peddled by the British and woke Indian historians

The discoveries made at Sinauli have ultimately for once and for all demolished all those claims and landed a resounding slap on the faces of all those who have been preaching such an outrageous and demeaning theory of the genesis of the oldest civilization in the history of mankind.

The hoax of Aryan invasion theory

It is unfortunate that many schools still teach the AIT not as a mere theory but as the truth.

Tirukural and Modi- The strategy behind Modi’s Tamil push

Modi by his gestures is telling the Tamil population of the country that, see we India has two glorious ancient, culture-rich languages in Tamil and Sanskrit. There is no need of competition between the two, instead what is needed is taking pride in both, instead of one we have two, so we are two times prouder.

Ayan invasion theory- A myth

What’s shocking to me is that a certain section of India holds up to the AIT and consistently tries to prove it right despite many genetic/ archeological/ historical evidences. Now who is that section that I am referring to ? The “left” of India.

BOOK REVIEW – “The Saraswati Civilization: A Paradigm Shift in Ancient Indian History”

General Bakshi intelligently elucidates the contradiction inherent in this fake AIT theory, and quotes the biases of some European and American think-tanks perpetuating the societal divide on basis of caste and race,primarily for denigrating the Indic Civilization as exploitative and hegemonic.

Chaotic politico-religious equations and entry of BJP in Tamil Nadu

The genes of hate politics against Brahmins, Hindi and Sanskrit language, North Indians as Aryan race, calling all Tamil people except Tamil Brahmins to be Dravidian has gone so deep in the state. 

Are you ‘Tamilan’ or ‘Dravidian’, the wicked ploy of DMK

The confusion of Dravidian or Tamil is deep rooted and the confusion was intelligently being created by EV Ramasamy Naicker and the sister political force of EVR ideology, the DMK.

EV Ramasamy Naicker – A paranoid anti-Brahmin or suppository of British divide and rule ethos

The way EVR abused Tamil language, culture and literature including Tiruvalluvar has to be seen as the part of such greater design.

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