arun jaitley
Modi coterie trying hard to prove Rahul Right
Lohith -
The sort of one-sided AAI privatization drive benefiting few corporate friends might not have seen the light of the day if Arun Jaitley could have been alive as the Finance Minister beside PM Modi.
Bureaucracy continues iron fist on India – GST compensation cess is an example of another botched approach.
Keshav -
Huge Cess levied upon certain goods is something unjustifiable by every angle thereby, ruining the significance of GST as a taxation reform.
NJAC 2.0 may be fitting tribute in Arun Jaitley’s memory
Jaitley was one BJP top honcho who never got bracketed as being ‘communal’, by even the dreaded Lutyens’ and Khan Market Log.
Arun Jaitley: a tribute to the greatest Parliamentarian who nurtured relationships
Having spent 19 months in jail as an ABVP leader during Emergency, he was one of the finest products of the BJP and the Sangh parivar
Arun Jaitley: All that was good about Indian politics
He fought for them till his last day, when he wrote supporting the government’s decision to remove article 370 and hence fulfilling its mandate, its democratic responsibility.
मिडिल क्लास के लिए किसने क्या किया: भाजपा देता है कांग्रेस सरकारों को 30-0 से मात
यह केवल उन 30 मापदंडों की तुलना है जो मध्यम वर्ग के लिए प्रासंगिकता रखते हैं। हमने कल्याणकारी योजनाओं और वस्तुओं की कीमतों को शामिल नहीं किया है क्योंकि वे दर्शकों के एक बड़े समूह से संबंधित हैं जो कि सिर्फ मध्यम वर्ग तक ही सीमित नहीं है।
Here is how the government can win back the support of Middle Class by tweaking Income Tax slabs
A small change in income tax slabs and rates can help the middle class a lot, and the government can afford it.
Decriminalisation of non-filling of annual return and financial statement proposed
In all the above cases the fine and imprisonment can be imposed together for the company officials.
GST – A model of cooperative federalism and ‘Team India’ spirit
Having worked as the Chief Minister of Gujrat for more than 12 years, PM Modi comprehends the issues and difficulties
Post demonetization: growth of a fintech ecosystem in India
The vision 2018 of RBI, aims to build a less cash India