Saturday, July 27, 2024


Article 370

Revocation of Article 370: Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh

Article 370 - What happens in Kashmir valley after 3 years

The architects of ‘Naya Kashmir’: How Modi-Shah vision brought an end to dynastic politics in Kashmir

The tenure of the Modi led BJP government will be remembered as the most decisive period in the history of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pak FM under huge pressure back offs from his “India’s Internal matters” remark

There are also strong rumors that Pakistan is trying too hard to settle all the issue with India including Kashmir issue because of its financial situation.

Congress: Staring at bleak future

It has been more than six years since congress is kicked out of the power, but there is absolutely no change in Congress’s attitude. It continues to support anti-India elements. Look what Congress is doing

Why abrogation of article 370 is looking like a headline management act, and Why Islamist still rule J&K

Was abrogating 370 an error? Only played for BJP/RSS’ Far-Right Hindutva gallery? Is it not going to be helpful to facilitate Pandit’s return? Let's examine.

Undermining merit in JK Bank exams for regional cum minority appeasement

This is one of many classical examples of day to day discrimination people of Jammu had faced even before 370 and to some extent after 370.

Caste reservation is akin to Article 370, here is how

Article 370 prevented the integration of J&K with the rest of India. Caste reservation is preventing the integration of social communities and defeating the project of nationalism.

Listen to us as well

It is, Jammu which has freed herself from the shackles of Kashmiri hegemony and is now free to chart it's own developmental agenda in line with the region's aspirations and cumulative will.

A write up on Article 370

Territorial integration to secure peace is being accepted as a norm in international law as a means to curb terrorism thriving on the platform of separatism

India-China relations: tackling the monster next door

So far, Modi and his team have displayed rare resolve and reasonableness in dealing with a more aggressive and assertive China

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