If 1000 years of invasions, loot, plunder and occupations could not kill the humanity of this great nation, can one person sitting in the chair of the Prime Minister kill it? Are we as a nation so bereft of morality?
यदि सरकार ने अब भी इन गुंडों-दंगाइयों-आतंकियों के साथ नरमी बरती तो अगले चुनाव में उसे भारी नुकसान झेलना पड़ेगा। इन गुंडों-दंगाइयों-आतंकियों से निपटने के लिए अब देशभक्त नागरिकों को सड़कों पर उतरना पड़ेगा।
From the time BJP, despite all out efforts by vested interests from both within and outside the country to deny its well deserved entitlement, won the mandate of the people in 2014 there have been unwarranted apprehensions and antagonism in people like you.