Sunday, September 8, 2024



The accountability for India

Freedom of Expression is a phenomenal thing. The power to express all emotions good and bad. Strong and feeble. Great power that. Though not all encompassing.

मेरे चश्मे से ‘ऐसा’ RAMJAS दिखता है!

FoE की आड़ में शुरू हुआ वैचारिक कोहराम यहीं से राजनीतिक हो गया. छात्र राजनीति को औजार बना कर सरकार पर हल्ला-बोल शुरू हुआ. इसपर प्रतिक्रिया आना स्वाभाविक था.

Gurmehar Kaur: The useful idiot of left liberalism

The misplaced idealism which teaches Gurmehar that war killed her father is result of Marxist indoctrination of students in Indian universities. Indian academia is completely dominated by Marxists and liberals

यह कैसी पढ़ाई है और ये कौन से छात्र हैं?

छात्र तो मोहरा भर हैं असली राजनीति तो वे समझ ही नहीं पा रहे। शायद इसीलिए 27 फरवरी को रामजस कालेज के प्रिंसिपल राजेन्द्र प्रसाद छात्रों के बीच खुद पर्चे बाँट रहे थे जिसमें उन्होंने साफ तौर पर लिखा कि देशभक्ति की हवा तले शिक्षा को खत्म न होने दें।

Do Prerna Bhardwaj’s wounds hurt less ?

Why is the media silent about Prerna Bharadwaj?

Save Indian Universities

Over the past few days, some people want Azadi, some raise slogans, some fight for Najeeb some for Rohith but not one fights for the state of education. Not one says that education should not suffer.

The irony of the left liberals

the left wing student leaders get a lions’ share of air time in the media, the other side of the story is completely ignored, right or wrong.

Freedom of speech Vs Nationalism

With rising violent incidents in educational institutes in name of freedom of speech and expression it is important to draw the fine line between FOE/FOS and Nationalism.

Do FB shares prove that media propaganda against ABVP is getting filtered out?

Every news outlet told us that Gurmehar's post has gone "viral". Every liberal on Twitter said so. But how "viral" was her post really? It got 3000 shares. A counterview on Opindia got 24000 shares. Whats happening?

Open letter to Gurmehar Kaur

Open letter in response to Facebook Post by Gurmehar Kaur.

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