Wednesday, November 13, 2024


AAP wins 2020 assembly elections

Why is the BJP losing its ground in Delhi state politics?

Kejriwal is for Delhi, what Modi is for India. Among several crucial factors, the paucity of a credible opposition face is a reason Modi sweeps India in the polls.

Kejriwal teaches tough lessons to Modi & Shah

Kejriwal had popular support where the votes mattered. Modi had populist appeal which did not sway the Aam Aadmi, as emotive appeals had a limit to their remit.

Is Prashant Kishore converting India to soft Hindutwa at subterranean level?

All those who abuses Hindus and engaged in raw minority appeasement politics such as congress party of the dynast, communist, RJD etc., were totally eliminated from Delhi politics.

दिल्ली में बनी “टुकड़े टुकड़े गैंग” की सरकार

केजरीवाल को जो ३७ प्रतिशत वोट मिले हैं उनमे से ३० प्रतिशत वोट तो रोहिंग्या बांग्लादेशी घुसपैठियों और मुस्लिम कट्टर पंथियों के हैं जो पिछले काफी समय से नागरिकता कानून का विरोध भी इसीलिए कर रहे थे  कर रहे थे क्योंकि कानून लागू होते ही इन लोगों को धक्के मारकर बाहर निकला जाना तय है.

Inferences from Delhi elections

AAP won handsomely 62 out of total 70 seats, not by any innovative idea, but by taking a leaf out of PM- Modi's own welfare measures that had given a spectacular victory to

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